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Watts Watt

06/12/12 9:11 PM

#10478 RE: Blotty #10477

I think that JPaige is your man for this questionnaire....

I suppose the subminature microwave cavity is one item which could be made of injection molded liquidmetal. I am not familiar with these products.

What intended use were YOU contemplating?

How many units containing the part you contemplate are manufactured each year?
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Watts Watt

06/12/12 9:44 PM

#10479 RE: Blotty #10477

Certainly, there is already a collaborative effort scientifically, say with Jan Schroers of Yale and Vishal Shah of Symmetricon in regards to the DARPA / MTO which recently hosted a symposium in San Diego in April on Micro PNT:

Apparently you have some insight into what parts might be manufactured regarding GPS systems and the atomic clocks.

To be blunt:

DARPA’s Micro-Technology for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (Micro-PNT)

We could be looking at gyro's if we could meet the specs.
This is a whole new area of research required to fathom this:


What do you think? I am digging now.

Seems BLOTTY could be a little more forthcoming rather than lurking in the background there.,_Navigation_and_Timing_(Micro-PNT)/Clocks.aspx



The Chip-Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) effort created ultra-miniaturized, low-power, atomic time and frequency reference units. The development of CSAC enabled ultra-miniaturized and ultra low power time and frequency references for high-security Ultra High Frequency (UHF) communication and jam-resistant GPS receivers. The use of these ultra-miniature time reference units can greatly improve the mobility and robustness of any military systems and platforms with sophisticated UHF communication and/or navigation requirements.

This effort resulted in commercially available CSAC technology. The CSAC effort achieved a 100 times size reduction (from the size of a microwave oven to a sugar cube) while consuming 10 times less power than traditional atomic clocks. An effort is currently underway to test CSACs in space for small satellite applications. The CSACs will be inserted into bowling-ball sized Synchronized Position, Hold, Engage and Reorient Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) on the International Space Station (ISS) and tested against the traditional atomic clock onboard the ISS.


The Integrated Micro Primary Atomic Clock Technology (IMPACT) effort is developing technologies to miniaturize primary atomic clocks while reducing power and maintaining primary clock accuracy and stability. If successful, the IMPACT effort would exceed the accuracy and stability of CSAC by two orders of magnitude. However, much of the technology that is envisioned to enable the success of IMPACT will be directly leveraging science and technology developed through the CSAC effort. Used in tandem, solid-state and IMPACT devices could serve to give accuracy and stability, while consuming low power, for both short-term and long-term mission applications.

The IMPACT program is in its second of three planned phases. Phase II requires performers to deliver a 20 cc, 250 mW working clock that will have less than 160 ns time loss after 1month.
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Watts Watt

06/12/12 10:12 PM

#10482 RE: Blotty #10477

Liquidmetal Technologies has not really been into MEMS very much.
As I said earlier, Amish Desai and Jan Schroers collaborated on this when Jan was working for LQMT four or five years ago.

We lost so many excellent researchers. I cry every time I think of the mis-manglement of our company by the Kangs.

I do not see any immediate revenue streams like the kind that Steipp talked about coming from this DARPA effort.

We'll see.
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06/13/12 1:05 PM

#10555 RE: Blotty #10477

Sorry Watts... I only hop on this board here and there. I was just throwing it out there because of the relationships I was seeing and to see what you thought. There's some pretty good volume in the new CSAC business and it's picking up rapidly, so it crossed my mind.

I have pretty high certainty at this point that there's nothing going on between Symmetricom and Liquid at this point.