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06/11/12 2:14 PM

#83727 RE: Perfectstorm #83726

There is no mention of the preferred:

"....1:150 reverse split of all of its common shares, both authorized and issued...."

another raise in the a/s is a fait accomplis.


06/11/12 2:14 PM

#83728 RE: Perfectstorm #83726

The CEO lowered nothing, only used some smoke and mirror techniques to make it appear as if he did.

He pulled a con, and a weak one at that.


06/11/12 2:17 PM

#83729 RE: Perfectstorm #83726

The issue of the preferred shares is an ISSUE. I brought this up some time ago but nobody at the time responded.

Mark needs to address this issue otherwise the common stock is worth nothing.



06/11/12 2:33 PM

#83733 RE: Perfectstorm #83726

Man its really funny when you read this

"This was just the right thing to do," said CEO Mark Leonard.

THE RIGHT THING TO DO really I think he was trying to say it was the only thing left to do because I DILUTED THE CRAP OUT OF MY OWN COMPANY. OH by the way I sold 4 BILLION shares skimed off $900,000 ran it almost to NO BID need to take the easy was out lets do a REVERSE SPLIT. a voluntary action no a DESPERATE action nothing left FACT. Mark did this just to INCREASE A DILUTED STOCK. a stock he DILUTED big difference he could have just reduced the A/S with out doing the reverse split but not the CEO of the year he CLEANED house by evicting his SHAREHOLDERS not funny its a sad day when we praise a CEO for stealing shareholders money. and last year was the year of the DILUTION even today Mark has caused so much damage and has lost so much respect this stock has no VOLUME. when we review how we got here its not funny and everything this guy tries just stinks of desperation IMO