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Watts Watt

06/10/12 6:40 PM

#10196 RE: linie #10191

To be helpful, Line:

1) Report the price of the watch

2) Ask yourself how many people are going to buy this watch (i.e. WHO CAN AFFORD IT)

3) What does it do for LQMT's bottom line?

4) Oh, I get it. You think that selling VIRTU'S and TAG Heure's and X Fathoms and these LUXURY items is just another way for LQMT to get free advertising......EXCEPT we are LOSING MONEY on all of the ABOVE COMBINED.

But thanks for your DD.

How about finding some SALES in the hundreds of thousands or millions, instead of sales that are in the onesey-twosey thousand units.....thanks

Now don't take my criticism personally. Just take it and realize what very little impact this has on our revenues and even less on the PPS.........I mean, do you teally think the PPS moves on SWATCH?

WE NEED TO STOP SELLING SIZZLE to Shareholders; DELIVER REAL BEEF and none of that PINK SLIME in between.

The positive spin on this is that LQMT is still very capable of selling goods at a loss.