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06/09/12 4:35 PM

#34335 RE: TEEROY #34331

Mid july? sigh. I guess at least we have a time frame now. 2Q financials should come out two weeks later then?


06/09/12 6:04 PM

#34337 RE: TEEROY #34331

Didn't you or Felix post something about a way that share holder's could nominate some one for the Board of Directors?


06/09/12 7:00 PM

#34338 RE: TEEROY #34331

Thanks Teeroy.

Your post is much appreciated.

Based upon what you posted, it doesn't sound like a PR is going to come out, with regard to the LMT news out on the website. That's unfortunate.

Financials are not expected until mid-July? If that's the case, I'm not expecting the share price to remain where it is at and have support over seven cents. Just a hunch...I hope I'm wrong.

For you folks that think this really is the "game changer" that Bob is crowing about, I hope he and you are correct.

Further, I hope you do put your money where your mouth is as perhaps that will help support the price of the stock. Most of the folks on this board have been there, and done that.

I just hope this isn't the same dog and pony show that we've seen over the past few years.

I guess we just wait and see what unfolds...unfortuately, that sentence is all too familiar with VTSI.

End Game

06/09/12 9:39 PM

#34341 RE: TEEROY #34331

Thanks for all the info from the shareholder's meeting TeeRoy.
I find the info below a welcome change and maybe bringing basspro or cabelas on as a customer in the future.

"Ferris did note that VTSI's agreement with Gander was amended to allow for VTSI to pursue other commerical opportunites. This was a complete aside during the Q & A not connected to whether or not gander will or won't use VTSI in the future."


06/16/12 4:35 AM

#34390 RE: TEEROY #34331

Just read your post, thank you for the information.

One point:
" This was the first time I met Ferris in person. His presentation was competent, though not the most dynamic. He certainly wouldn't make any one forget Steve Jobs. Ferris doesn't seem to have that type of inspiring personality. At some point probably sooner than later, if Ferris wishes to maximize the value potential of the company (and his own shares), he'll realize his limitations, and find some one who is more inspirational with his leadership style. Some in attendence seemed to think that Ferris would never let go of his baby which he tends to micro manage too much. "

Someone "who is more inspirational with his leadership style" won't run the company better than the founder. Only looking for inspiration leadership style would be a bit superficial, but even if looking for all the "right" qualifications, hiring someone better than the founder of a technical company almost never happens. Profitable established companies get by on momentum for some time, before being run into the ground (Apple for example, HP, Fluke, FORD ..etc). Smaller less well known companies often don't survive. One not so good choice in leadership would be the end of this tiny company. If Virtra ever gets a new CEO, it would be time to let go of this baby.