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biotech jim

06/12/12 8:38 AM

#5208 RE: Superfly15 #5177


I was in WI on a vacation and fishing trip before and during the recall election, and am originally from the 'dairy state.' I have the following view of the 'butt thumping.'

I traveled a quite a bit throughout the state during that time, and was simply amazed at all the "We stand for Walker" signs on all the farms throughout the state. I would guess about 90:10 in favor of Walker. Interesting that Obama intends to cater to the midwest farming community, as stated a few days ago. Good luck to that, as farmers are perhaps the most independent of voters and want lesser gubberment and a stop to all the tax increases.

I also polled several friends, relatives, and old-timers that live in the apartment complex where my 87 year old mother now lives. The big issue, more than the Walker policies against collective bargaining, seemed to be the never ending raising of taxes, even in the midst of the economic downturn. Many people were simply against the recall per se, as I heard often that Walker should just run his term in office, and then people should re-elect him or not based on his record. Another big issue was Walker reducing the cost of government.

As an aside, Barrett as Milwaukee mayor had conceded the contest to Walker after all the networks had called Walker the victor - after the closing of most of the polls - there was a need to bring in more ballots in a few places due to the high turnout. One (now perhaps former) female follower of Barrett slapped him in the face after his concession speech, saying that he conceded too soon and this helped Walker win. Simply amazing.

On Topic:

I picked up some WLT yesteday, as the stock has been slammed lately. Met coal producer.