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06/05/12 9:54 PM

#103392 RE: littlefish #103391

Littlefish, try Ron Smith at It worked for me.


spec machine

06/08/12 9:59 AM

#103410 RE: littlefish #103391

I thought you already had a response, but since it hasn't worked I'll offer the obvious alternative and suggest you try the IR contact email from the DDI website.

On the equipment purch, I might be mistaken but I think it was in the CC

also, while the discussion on the board had once been a high example of what is possible in the realm of sharing valuable information and insight, it is unfortunately no longer anywhere near that caliber

while there were many contributors in building the board convo, both as mods and posters, they could not control either the decline in shareprice, the overall market forces, nor the distribution of shareholder sentiment across the spectrum

while the current spread of sentiment expressed is skewed heavily bearish, the justifications given as basis are (IMO) repetitive and myopic

back in the days of vinyl, an occasional skip and repeat was not unusual

but even if it was a good tune, a persistent repeating of the same tiny segment would usually get the disk a meeting with the garbage bin
