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learning curve

06/04/12 2:20 AM

#30850 RE: euc #30846

You find an answer, but I was mentioning a thought of mslp competeimg with NSF. Not fighting for cert from the NSF, but being the new certifier!. Why do you think mslp is the UFC official supplement sponsor??????they are the certifier!!
(remember monopoly) NSF essentially is the certified for nfl, yet they don't do squat; collect commissions from mslp(maybe this was the commission that made them adjust their revenues), and others along the way..... I be honest NSF has a great business model to date,,,,,but no competition to date!

It's all possible....Im liking in the books and int'l sales


06/04/12 2:21 AM

#30851 RE: euc #30846

Just like parents who remain mum about what they have got us for Christmas, MP execs don't want us to know what they have been doing for our benefit because this disclosure would tip off their competition.

If this is happening, it will come out soon enough, but the longer they can keep it secret, the better they will be able to hold off any counter measures by their competition.

IMO we have a classic case where corporate expansion is being so successful they are moving rapidly on multiple fronts and need to be secretive.

I like the pregnant promise of their silence.

They are so busy, exhausted, and overwhelmed by this rapid expansion they have no time to devote to the shareholders and we are misinterpreting their silence and choosing to be offended.

Very good news will be coming eventually IMO.

Patience is a virtue and a watched pot never boils!