Great post, absolutely correct and, imo, what we'll get when the time is right.
One of the frustrating, if not infuriating, things about owning stock in a company such as this is the lack of news. The flip side of that goes with the catch phrase from that old wine commercial, 'We shall serve no wine before it's time'.:) At least, unlike many, if not the vast majority, they haven't diluted the ever lovin' crap out of the stock while saying nothing. Or, worse yet, throwing out all manner of fluff or outright BS while doing so.
If all they wanted to do is hype the company, unload and get out of Dodge, I believe they would've done it a long time ago. Especially given what Dr. Newman expressed to me in an email late summer, early fall of last year. In it, he was very direct, somewhat pissed actually, about folks not knowing or refusing to understand, what a drain this had been on him, financially and otherwise. And that's going on a year ago! In fact, he said that if he'd known what a pain in the azz this would turn out to be he never would've even entertained the idea, in the first place. Well, he did, stuck with it and I believe we'll witness the fruits of his and Plamandon's labors soon enough, at this point.
For the most, the financials have been brought up to date, the new software seems to be a hit and their travels (Newman & Plamandon) appear to have yielded results. So now, we wait. But the wait is now accompanied by a little substance, certainly more than most of last year, and a feeling that the company's potential is about to be realized.
At least that's how it looks to me, through my rose colored glasses, whilst I sip my Koolaide.(lol)
Have a good weekend Meg and all.....