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05/29/12 2:19 AM

#11609 RE: ccsykes #11608

You have my support ! I think the company gives a fair amount of information. CC:s give us a lot.


05/29/12 3:07 AM

#11611 RE: ccsykes #11608

Thanks Chad, thats what I call an answer. And btw, the biggest credit we can give you or Solomon is buying shares. You can be sure I have bought a solid chunk already :-)


05/29/12 5:46 AM

#11613 RE: ccsykes #11608


I could’t agree more of what you writes there, indeed you can publicise a ton of PR, to no avail.
And you have pointed rightly to CCME, and there has been indeed the ‘turn point’ of thrusting PR coming out of a company source. Today, if I read a QR or a other message, I automatically put in question 50% of what is said or written.

My respect to eyeball this problem, and your intention to clean up the image, and I realize that this is more easily said than done.

However, allow me to divert on one point of your assessments, you me write so musth you want, you also need a independent view on the company, high lining and explaining to a broader public the in my eyes, unique, simple concept of Sino agro.
I started to respect the point of view of some people here on this board, And all of them have their own individual merit and groups were thy belong to, I have also mine.

My ‘inner circle’ know of my stake in SIAF, and there are a lot of discussions going on, but the end result is always the same, mistrust as been a China orientated company, as thy are also are or were exposed to a China company.

I have the highest respect for Salomon and his team, surely what concerns his goal. I can see the future in this concept, but as a investor I realize that we are running in a small circle, as long we are not capable of attracting a broader public true a good independent write up, we are staying in this ‘merry go around’.

I realize that a lot of people shall not agree with me, others me, but I can only express my own outlook on the actual situation.


05/29/12 5:52 AM

#11614 RE: ccsykes #11608

I love the transparency when new contracts are published in 8-k's. To do it in English is really something. Definitely a confidence builder.
I am also happy with the levels of transparency in 10-Q's and 10-K's and the frequency of PR's.
I can see a lot of work has gone into this.

However, no company is perfect and there is always room for improvement.

I would like to mention 2 things that have come to my attention.

1) I think the company needs to clarify in the 10-Q's and 10-K's how they deal with issuing stock and repurchasing it. I've seen this with another company although I don't remember which one. There are not many who do this actively like SIAF does.
Basically, they need to state that they are not in the business of trading the stock. IMO.

2) As a former stock promoter you are probably aware that it is all about the ability to sell a dream. Convince the public that there is money to be made here. That the company has a big future etc.
What I have noticed is that companies that succesfully hyped the stock, all gave projections, not just one year, but a number of years ahead. And they all did it by issuing press releases.
We have to learn about certain aspects in conference calls (the spin-offs for instance) or some presentation that was held in Sweden.
We have to convince the public, somehow, that the growth story is real. That the demand is there. Tell them about the business model. And I believe we should focus on the investing community, not so much the shareholder base. That's the next step IMO.


05/29/12 7:10 AM

#11617 RE: ccsykes #11608

Chad: can you clarify how SIAF pays for its intial stake and additional ownership of the JV's, by cash or by shares? Also, the 5M "cash advance" from JV partners shown in the 2012 capex plan: is it real cash or is it a re-purchase of shares originally issued to the JV partners in lieu of cash?



05/29/12 10:50 AM

#11622 RE: ccsykes #11608

"Most effective bloggers with an audience have shied away from China/US OTC's.

Let's get the Company looking more shiny and polished before we start bombarding the market with fluff PR. Right now I believe the best course of action is on improving the facade and putting out good solid news that is material to operations."


I agree about releasing solid news that is material to operations; particularly so, because there is so much good, material news coming, including the issuance of 4 new contracts, and starting 2 new business divisions.

As you note, bloggers (among a many constituents) have shied away from China US OTCs. For that reason I hope that the moves the company is making to differentiate itself from this space -- mainly the dual listing plans, dividends -- also constitute material news. Filling the Board and fulfilling corporate governance requirements within the context of official uplisting application would be cases in point, in my mind.

The company does have an institutional IR counterpart to you, and I believe the company has said that it is seeking out new investor audiences. Are any investor/analyst conferences or road shows currently scheduled?