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Paul Wall

05/26/12 7:55 PM

#18641 RE: TMcNasty #18640

This is exactly what they want you to think. JMO
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05/26/12 9:17 PM

#18657 RE: TMcNasty #18640

I agree Nasty but if someone can pull this off its APS. I am out right now, but if it starts moving I will get back in.

APS can do the unexpected, and once you think the play is done they get the stock to run. Seen it many times. Hell how many times APS trading has made Nitwit look like a total nitwit lol. So can't rule out GWBU just yet.
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05/26/12 11:07 PM

#18661 RE: TMcNasty #18640

Nasty, interesting that most people I talk to are out of GWBU on the sidelines waiting to see what happens. I have not had a ton of confidence in this play because of some of the same reasons you had. But all these promos have twists and turns. So I continue to keep my eye on it. It is way to high for me to enter now.

I am going to play TBX on Tuesday.
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05/26/12 11:39 PM

#18673 RE: TMcNasty #18640

Yes, GWBU is likely SNPK's future, but that is only after the promo has been running for at least a month and likely longer. SNPK's promo started in mid March and didn't peak until mid April (April 18th to be exact). So I'm not sure why you would think the GWBU promo would be out of steam less than two weeks into the promo.

Also, not sure where you got the idea that I am a "long." You kinda answered your own question in pointing out that I am fully aware that their current pick is likely a PnD. Why would I be long in a play that I identified as a PnD? I am only staying in until I reach my target share price (which is substantially higher than current levels) koolaid slurping here....hahaha

"Their last pick was SNPK. That's all that needs saying. The good part with that play was that if you got in early and had the balls to hold you could have been very far away from you entry when the final dump hit. A cushion so to speak."

On the contrary, SNPK made the majority of its move north in the second two weeks of the promo...check out the chart. We will be at the two week marker in GWBU this coming Tuesday. I'd say that is portentous in a good way.

"Not much of a cushion here if the next dip turns out to be the dump. Anyone in over $1 can start losing capital in a hurry. That's why GWBU sucks here imho. It's not going up giving you a cushion OR a profit."

Not sure why you would think APS would ever issue the coup de grace and dump for good now right at the same point in time that their previous play started ripping? The main reason I highly doubt that would be the case is because as others here have pointed out, it would likely significantly impair their potency for future plays, especially given (as you aptly pointed out) all the RARS and related crap they put us through leading into the GWBU official announcement. They have every motivation to run this above three dollars and none in issuing the final drop on Tuesday IMHO.

"With that being the case why be long at all? Why not just watch it and wait for this mythical post-TBX breakout you're counting on and buy it then? That way if it shits SNPK style and never returns your $ will be safe."

Again, not long in the stock. It is just a theory that makes sense to me that all the $$ that peeps will be pumping into the TBX play would detract from a strong bull run in GWBU, therefore motivating Eric to allow GWBU to trade flat for another few days, and when the pending TBX pick shows signs of weakness, APS can turn on the heat and trigger all the remaining $$ in that TBX play to come flowing en masse back into GWBU and fry the shorts for breakfast! LOL Not sure why that sounds so mythical to you....maybe I'm delusional but it just smacks of logic to me.

Clearly, GWBU could crash, but I'm gambling that it won't. But I respect your cautious stance. I was unable to get in at the 1.11 pricetag after the fist dump, but I am just fine with having chased it to 1.41....still over my buy-in price presently.

I appreciate your words of warning, but I am gearing up to make some funny money here in the next week or longer!

