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06/11/12 4:11 PM

#2249 RE: S-BEES-BUMBLEBEE #2247


I wrote it off as a tax loss after holding this for several years. I realize these penny stocks can be bought as a shell for reverse mergers, but it hasn't happened to me yet

The one I held for years and got screwed on last year was PRDM. You would not believe the chicanery involved there in shaking out my shares. This is a racket, and now I just swing trade big board stocks. Safer and a surer thing, unless you were in AMR like I was. Yippee ki yay.

My last comment, or question, is----is that pic you? Wow!



04/08/20 9:47 AM

#2272 RE: S-BEES-BUMBLEBEE #2247

$CIVX: Better late than never.............

Nice call.

Now $0.001