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05/19/12 8:18 AM

#335018 RE: Chas56789 #335017

I've been around the markets for quite some time especially the pink sheet ones. Every time things go awry for some dubious management team, shorty, NITE, ETRD, and the "Rat Pack" get drug out of the closet and blamed for the price depreciation and the ensuing bag holding. To date, not one CEO of any pinky trash company has actually been able to prove that NSS actually occurred. From what I can gather, NSS is a convenient excuse that helps to explain away either massive dilution, inept management, outright fraud or some combination of the three. I would love to remove the fraud from the markets but I'd start by shutting down the entire pink sheet casino before I went hunting for some mythical short sellers. Shorting, and to some extent, naked shorting, certainly exists but not at the rate it is claimed by pinky stock promoters/ believers. I think the issue isn't shorting, it's greedy CEO's who know they can make a buck off gullible investors looking to get rich quick. I should know, I used to be one of the aforementioned gullible investors, just ask Janice. I've since seen the light and won't touch pink sheet companies/trash/toxic waste with a 300 mile pole.
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05/19/12 12:34 PM

#335023 RE: Chas56789 #335017

No, is a prime example of a goofball management team that burned over a quarter of a billion dollars worth of their shareholders' equity and then tried to blame their problems on naked short selling. is yet another example of a stock where, if you naked shorted it, you took the right side of the trade.