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05/14/12 2:00 PM

#371427 RE: bidingmytime #371426

biding, it is really simple when one has a fiduciary responsibility and is the OWNER of the court room who is supposed to be a Judge and not allow multiple crimes within a court rrom. Come on folks, she cannot put her head in the sand and say I do not know. Even Texas passed a law not allowing a C.E.O. to use that and if the C.E.O. does, it is no excuse...still guilty.

For this Judge partcipating in the crime of bankrupcy fraud, multiple conflicts of interest, Rosie who is supposed to be working for the Estate-was clearly working for the enemy and so much more that I will not even go into should have been arrested and jailed herself. For anybody that has followed this case and sticks up for this Judge is clearly part of the problem and not the solution.

I place this Judge below Terrorists, as she went to school to uphold the constitution, enforce the laws on the books and to do the right thing as opposed to working to destroy what so many people have given their lives for, have been handicapped and more the rest of their lives for. All of this, to allow financial terrorists to continue to rape society, trample the U.S.Constitution through corrupt Judges and destroy our children's future for the immediate sake of money, power and just plain greed!


05/14/12 11:33 PM

#371446 RE: bidingmytime #371426

incompetence? maaaaaaaaaybe. It'd be a hell of a stretch, though.

But fraud and/or corruption? I think you may be confusing the powers of a BK judge with what you see on T.V. They're largely powerless to do anything to stop the debtors from torpedoing themselves for the benefit of creditors, imagined or not.