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05/11/12 12:15 PM

#298 RE: sevenOdouble #297

Connecting the dots: Conergy, China and Opel

A Chinese company will acquire 30% of Conergy

OPL has a connection with Conergy

Opel has megawatt contracts in China.
Conergy has done projects before using Opel trackers.
China is buying 30% of Conergy.
Opel has bids in on $1 billion in projects.

But there is more;
An investment bank has been selected in Sept 2011 and they usually work 6 to 9 months to establish a monetization process... WE ARE IN MONTH 8 NOW!

SOMETHING in Opel's books convinced a finance company that has a record of loaning to successful companies to give Opel a line of credit for $5 million. Something in Opel's books that we did not see on the 2011 fiancial report (but will in the Q 1 report coming up very soon. (and the 2011 report got the write offs out of the way).
And the SP is starting to move up.
Oh yes, and Opel is getting new equipment to speed up the POET validations.

Also the Pellegrino Valuation report said that it would take 12 to 18 months before POET would be ready to commercialize. Pellegrino said that in March of 2011, so we're past the 12 month and in the next few months we could see a big contract coming for OPL.

Do your own DD & decide wisely...

PS: Spread the word if you like what you see ;-)