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05/08/12 6:19 PM

#78862 RE: Sky_trade #78858

You mean this dribble that has no validity or truth. I've asked before, WHY, IF YOU HAVE NO VESTED INTEREST IN THIS COMPANY, DO YOU CONTINUE TO POST HERE? First you were a reporter with inside info, now it appears you are trying to save investors from themselves, GEEEEESH!!!!

#78414 Quote:
The worst part for investors is that Stacy and Evan will say that they tried to make a viable public business but were unable to do so because of the worsening economy. The horrible thing is that they are screwing good, hard working people while they cry about what Bernie Madoff did to them. That is complete hipocrisy. But this was Stacy's plan all along to take this private and was the reason behind her getting the company from Hirschi.

78442 Quote:
All of the investors here need to band together and put a stop to what management is putting you through. The few cheerleaders here are shielding them intentionally to allow them more time to bring down the average share price. What was the same two months ago is still the same today. When is everyone going to hold Stacy accountable?


05/08/12 7:37 PM

#78868 RE: Sky_trade #78858

thought you would welcome people trying to get management to open up to you.

But Sky you only post on INCA's board(40 of 43 posts). If getting management to open up is your mission aren't there at least a few other sites you should be posting on?