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05/08/12 4:13 PM

#98767 RE: Steve White #98766

I don't respect your position, however I submit to you that the scum bag, porn producing, sludge dropping, ambulance chasing, sue happy guy that is Joe Elkind is a vindictive s.o.b. And if, as MVP once reported, the guy is worth over 7 million, he has the ability to fund a smear campaign against BCAP. What say you?


05/08/12 4:21 PM

#98768 RE: Steve White #98766

You're correct, and the DD revealed pending litigation vs the CEO and his partners in crime. BCAP was a hoax. It was a ... Ghost ... an idea that never existed. Can't see it. It's just an invisible man selling shares... and who you gonna call?

It's that simple.... bcap Ghostbusters ended this scam! SEC is having a ball with the uncovered information. Subpeona vs Dwyer served!


05/08/12 6:18 PM

#98777 RE: Steve White #98766

WOW! YOU ARE 100% RIGHT Steve White, nobody is buying this pos bcap. i think your hard work and excellent DD has been the catalyst for the coming DTC LOCK. but first, 0001 and a reverse split imminent.