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08/29/05 12:34 AM

#61 RE: Hector777 #60

Hector777...are you stupid or just crazy? You can get into trouble spewing lies about a publicly traded company.

I just went there and they do have 500k+ cars advertised. Here's the link....<gggggggggggggg>


08/29/05 12:53 AM

#62 RE: Hector777 #60 the following excerpt from one of their press releases. It implies that the hotel deal was signed AFTER the deal with for the car ads.
....................................................... Travel Section will allow travel agents, tour guides, cruise ship companies, resorts and hotels to post their travel specials on for the low price of $9.95 per month. Patrick Downs, CEO, stated, "IDS is very pleased that following the auto industry's lead, IDS signed 12,900 dealers to the site with over 500,000 cars in the 1st quarter, now the leaders in the Travel Industry have selected to showcase their inventory of Worldwide Hotels and Resorts on this growing portal."

I'm thinking it takes a little time to update a website to add 500,000+ CAR ADS and 70,000 HOTEL/RESORT/TRAVEL ADS!

Relax dude...the car ads are there now. The Travel ads will be there soon, I'm sure. Patience my son, patience. Could you accomplish such a major feat as they are now doing any faster?


08/29/05 1:05 AM

#63 RE: Hector777 #60's the link to their homepage. The one I sent in my first response was just the "used cars" in the price range from $1.00 to $1,000,000...LOL

They only show 28,000+ ads for used cars, so I'm guessing they mostly sell NEW, EXPENSIVE CARS!...

I'll bet the Hotel/Travel ads will be there very soon as well. Nobody would DARE post such a claim as they have without being able to back it up. The SEC would be on 'em like white on rice for Christ sakes.



08/29/05 9:03 AM

#64 RE: Hector777 #60 more thing worth mentioning is that is only the company's most recent venture. It's not even close to being the whole company.

I suggest you re-read that news release, this time with a slightly more discriminating eye. You seem to have missed a whole bunch of important things.


10/22/05 11:03 AM

#4054 RE: Hector777 #60

Hector. You had it right the first time. You should have stuck with your first inclination about IDWD being a scam. One's first inclination is almost always correct.

Of course, I know you have crowed about how you made money on this stock, but wasn't that because Downs is such a deceiver? The money you made was because the newbie unaware were sucked in by Downs' grand deception about the nonsense dividend and the "sale" of the division. Quite the farce, wouldn't you say?

And by the way, Hector. It is now clear that you have serious doubts about Downs' credibility. Since you now believe that, and were earlier pumpng the heck out of this stock and telling readers that you would be buying a new Ferrari with the massive windfall from a 9 dollar per share IDWD price (selling from 5 up), don't you think you owe those same readers a chance to see how you now view this scam?

Just curious.