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seek the light

05/07/12 9:51 AM

#4093 RE: seek the light #4087

I see someone posting under the name dmssquared says there is no commission on the sales of Anatabloc at GNC. He is wrong at company stores the commission payment is indeed $10/per order as previously reported. As explained to me by one of the young ladies i visited with at a local GNC the $10 is paid by Rock Creek Pharm. Not all "third parties" as she called them do this.

Interestingly to me when i mentioned it appeared to me that CIGX was intending to wholesale Anatapure to others such as GNC to use in their branded product, she asked why would they do that? She said they can make much more just selling it in their own products!

Again feel free to copy and paste.


05/11/12 8:00 PM

#4105 RE: seek the light #4087

Request for CIGX Investors & Anatabloc Users

Now would be a good time to visit GNC stores and ask about Anatabloc to see how much the GNC Sales Associates know about the product. It would also be a good time to do some market research and ask how many bottles they are selling (per day or per week). Please report this information back to this board (like seek the light did on his store visits).

She said they had sold 10 bottles since they first got the product in the store about 3 weeks ago. She also said people were coming in asking for "that product the PGA golfer was talking about". I was really surprised at how well it is selling here.
I had printed the piece Nuke john had done here today and left it with them . The tipping point is coming toward us soon

As Leifsmith found at a store in Denver, it is flying off the shelf.


Yesterday the sales guy said to me "It's flying off the shelf!" A few days earlier I had noted 6 bottles on the shelf, and I pointed out that there were still 5 bottles on the shelf. He told me that they had just restocked and that the previous six bottles had been sold.

I agree with seek the light's comment that the tipping point is coming soon...maybe a few days, but at most a few weeks. There has been an awakening at GNC stores in the last few weeks. Stores that had no idea what Anatabloc was a month ago are now very aware that Anatabloc works wonders for inflammation, but I'm not sure they know the breadth and depth of human ailments that Anatabloc helps control. I suggest everyone share their due diligence with this board and also share information on Anatabloc testimonials with the GNC associates and store managers.

Everyone has my permission to share my personal experiences with Anatabloc (see link below).

Persyst on Yahoo has maintained a list ailments from people who have posted testimonials where they benefitted from using Anatabloc. This might be something the GNC Sales Associates would like to see.

The GNC staff may not be aware of the CBS story from the Michigan TV station that now has almost 20,000 views on youtube.

As individual investors, we can gather a ton of info on GNC's Anatabloc sales and know how the product is selling well before Wall St. (as Peter Lynch chronicled in his book "One Up On Wall Street"). I suspect that most major market stores are now selling 1-2 bottles per day (maybe more). Let's see what we can find out. With my travel schedule, I can probably survey 5-7 stores per week in person. I think it is now in over half of GNC's ~5000 stores in the US, and I think it will be in over 3000 stores by the end of the quarter. If we can get a feel for average each store is selling, we can start making some fairly accurate revenue projections.

Good Luck in your research...and don't forget to post it here.