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05/02/12 12:32 PM

#11191 RE: Ed Ajootian #11185

Ed, you tried to get me interested in Osage last year but I had my Red Fork, and AusTex, with Mississippian acreage so I passed....... BIG MISTAKE!!!!

I thought I was doing pretty good. Red Fork is up like 180% from my buy price and Austex is up 62% but frigging Osage is up 600% in the last year! You are a bloodhound sniffing energy dog!!!!!

Notice I didn't say anything about Xbor.ob.....

BUT still Oedv.ob is a Monster!

They have an 80,000 acre project that they JV'd to two other bigger players. They retained 25% or 20,000.

My stupid thinking was that I wanted higher working interest. Red Fork has 100% in most of their 75,000 acres in the Mississippian.

Both Osage and Red Fork are valued at about $4800/net acre now but with the Mississippian rising on radar screens, they should eventually get close to Eagle Ford pricing of 30,000/acre.

AusTex has less acreage and some of it is in unproven Kansas so their acreage is valued at about $1400/acre.

Osage has attracted bigger money and may be able to fast track production. Red Fork initial wells appear to be in the more normal 400-500boepd range while Osage had a monster 1100boepd for it's first horizontal.

I promise I'll pay more attention next time you throw me a bone, Ed!



05/03/12 12:27 AM

#11199 RE: Ed Ajootian #11185

OEDV.ob up .19 to 2.11 ... gnu High !!!!

on good volume of 666,723

Thanks for your bullish comments; I was

tempted to take some profits but now I

think I'll ride OEDV up a bit higher ... ((<: }