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04/27/12 10:44 AM

#43009 RE: q80 #43005

Still have a 150k left. Even at .20 I did well. Whole bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered thing... The accountant wasn't happy having to dig back to 07 to find cost basis on some of it for this year's taxes. Had this in a few accounts and cleared them out.

My position on this is just to be cautious. Anyone who plays with pennies knows that and anyone who has owned... Well, my certificates say IBAC on them (I don't count those in the 150k but they say 5M shares each)... knows that this company's history should be warning enough. Do the new certificates still say IBAC or have they been updated?

But the point to be taken there is maybe the fact that I still own it from IBAC to whatever the hotel thing was to OTC to IAHL to this.

This stock has made me a good amount of money over the years but it sure hasn't been from being a blind buy and hold.