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04/25/12 9:15 PM

#33946 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

Yup :)
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04/25/12 9:21 PM

#33951 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

Goodspeed that was beautiful, thank you for that DD and simple common sense we all possess here as longs for KMAG! We are going up tomorrow and these people are going out,they only come like the Nit when we are down and we have proven them all wrong since the trips! We are going to so many good damn KMAG places! Go baby...
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04/25/12 9:24 PM

#33953 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

""Brilliant"".....You Can Tell The Wheat From The Chaff!
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04/25/12 9:25 PM

#33954 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

A man with above common sense thanks hope the nervous nellies ( and I'm not making fun of them ) read your post :)
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04/25/12 9:28 PM

#33957 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

I forgot to tell you m marks really don't mean much to me or should say for me, but for you yes sent you one
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04/25/12 9:32 PM

#33959 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

Nice to see a strong voice of reason! Well articulated and stated with confidence. Don't hide - pop up occasionally to offer some sanity to quell the nonsense of the bashers.
Appreciate that you are in KMAG!
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04/25/12 9:37 PM

#33962 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

Bravo Goodspeed. It takes buyers and sellers to make a market. If today's sellers made a tidy profit, that is wonderful. They served their purpose and deserve their reward for taking a chance during the most risky times. I am a new investor and I don't see the present opportunity as taking a chance as much as I see it as beginning a ride with a company on a path of growth.
As the old guard leaves and the new comes in, there seems to be some bickering, snickering and unpleasantness. This too shall pass ... I trust. I am glad that some old timers are staying and offering their insight and knowledge of the company.
I would not be shaken if the magnicificant move so far took the statistically possible 50% retracement. There are probably people who bought a year ago at this price who are itching to break even. There are technical traders who bought a couple of weeks ago and seeing a possible short term double top may be compelled by their trading strategy to take their 100% profit and wait for a new entry point.
Personally, I intend on buying more tomorrow just like I did today. I will buy more every time I have the money to do so. I don't care about the fluctuations, because I see a company with a steep growth curve, solid management and a great product. In the long term I know I will be rewarded for my steady "dollar cost averaging" accumulation strategy.
Meanwhile, I appreciate the level headed and courteous regulars here who make this place informative and supportive.
Thank you
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04/25/12 9:43 PM

#33966 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

wow, great post Goodspeed! Thanks, needed that!
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04/25/12 10:05 PM

#33981 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

AWESOME WRITE UP! Speed..thank you for taking the time to enlighten us and appreciate you doing so. I like long winded. it shows you care and have integrity. not many will go to this trouble. So cudo's to you..I really enjoyed the read, sincerely..
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04/25/12 10:25 PM

#33995 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

Nice post man! I am gonna slap you a member mark. Indeed it will take a little bit of patience to make the big bankroll here. One cannot build Rome in a day. The weaklings have been shaken loose and patience will prevail in making most of the profits. Churn it and burn it buddy boy!
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04/25/12 10:33 PM

#34002 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

amen G!
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04/25/12 11:09 PM

#34021 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

Speed absolutely a Fabulous, Insightful Post! MM to you Sir..
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04/25/12 11:24 PM

#34025 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

Speed, By far the most insightful, eloquent and a depth of understanding put into words of what KMAG and the opportunity of investing in this re-emergence is.

In my opinion, we as investors in KMAG should pull this out, have a read and center ourselves in the bigger picture when we have days like today.

Truly a masterpiece. With inspiration to the masses like this, I encourage you to come out of the hole more often. I rarely contribiute because it is all said by many, you have a new voice to offer with a depth of understanding that makes an extraordinary contribution.

Many thanks

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04/25/12 11:26 PM

#34026 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

Beautiful post! Thanks for those thoughts.KMAG LONG!
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04/25/12 11:53 PM

#34027 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

I'm sorry, I wasn't listening; could you repeat that please?

LOL; nice words of wisdom.

I suspect Q1 will treat us nicely.
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04/26/12 6:59 AM

#34072 RE: Goodspeed65 #33938

better than Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross

better than Pacino in Any Given Sunday

better than Douglas in Wall Street

better than Affleck in Boiler Room

and better than Pacino in Scent of a Woman

kudos to you