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02/08/03 9:39 AM

#2259 RE: Smallville #2258


I'm not so sure that Balak's shares are easily liquid. If that's the case, he can go home, but not take his ball and bat, especially if Snaper's using his leverage to keep that from happening.

I don't think Wolf is a quitter and cannot be bought off. He has a substantial stake in the company in the form of market shares purchased several years ago. Nope, the whole parcel of them are going to have to grow the hell up and do what's right. Failing that, it's class action lawsuit time, IMO.


02/08/03 10:17 AM

#2260 RE: Smallville #2258

Hi Mlf

You said AS doesn't own a single share. How do you know this is this true? TIA it'll save me some research. I agree that as far as leverage and or clout that LB has the most by far. I'll have to check but I think that I remember seeing a lot of references in the 1/4lys to loans made to PWTC by a co. owned by LB. So I agree with you about the part that LB could probably bankrupt the co. if he called in all his markers. As far as being a "carny" that is a game of semantics. Aren't Trump or Howard Hughes or Ted Turner carnies? Granted they are better at it and they do dress better except maybe Hughes wearing Dillon shoes. LOL. He (LB)IMO is taken seriously. At least by the people we hire. Becuse he hires them. When I talked with our last promoter hired to inform us LOL. he didn't even realize about the internal trouble we were having, he pretty much said that he dealt with LB and that was who was paying the bills. BC Research also gives me the same impression. I Think and this is strictly my opinion, that LB did what he had to in order to keep the ship afloat and keep his "baby" and his shares alive. Namely taken on a private investor (Lolabito) for the money then Lolabito decided he could do better and LB let him take over in name only while he (LB that is) controlled the strings. Now Lolabito is trying to get some real controll. It is my opinion that the battery is in the very early stages and that there is a problem that we haven't worked out completely. My guess is that the problem lies with the strength of the reticulated grid and or the problem of the corrosion (or filling up of the grids reticulated openings). It could be something as simple as the plating of the grid is breaking down under deep cycle or other stresses during testing. Remember also that BC Research (Jung et all) ran tests before and they were positive but there seemed to be some problem and the best we could find out was that there might be a corrosion problem and that they hadn't quite settled on the alloy content of the substrate or the coating. Then if I remember right, out of nowhere came the blockbuster pipelink news and the battery was put on the back burner. Some of us wondered why but when faced with a cash cow worth millions just around the corner why worry. There would be plenty of money "in the bank" to get the battery to market later and the grain dryer and vortex AC too. Oh yeah we could probably find enough pocket change to get the alloy sensor to market also. Well obviously there was a hitch in the plans. All the regulatory stuff in China was either an outright lie or they didn't like what they saw. I think that it was a little of both IMO. We showed them what we had IMO they liked it but when it came to coming up with a full size model we couldn't come up with one for whatever reason and when we tried to get them to make it and pay for it then buy it from us plus pay a royalty to us they said wait just one minute bud, or (#%^^!@)+)+)==) in Chinese. LOL Anywaysssss. I think that backing Lolabito in this is backing division within the co. All this talk about the Swedish consortium as a factual thing because Hasher says so, and we put out a PR I just can't buy. Hopefully there is a group in sweeden that is interested but if it is composed of the caliber of the people mentioned then for sure they are not going to give us squat untill some milestones are reached. Testing to meet their parameters ect. I would assume would be the first one. I agree that a new promotion is needed, maybe an alloy sensor that senses poisen gas!!!!And something like "we are in talks with Hans Blix for use of it in the testing for poisen gas in Iraq. Gee guys we would be happy to share more facts with you but as you can realize that would impinge upon national security." LOL. How's that one. Maybe we should start up a co.

Regards The Hotdog