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04/18/12 1:54 PM

#225330 RE: papageorgia #225327

papa- Remember when they annouced the Army deal

a few weeks ago? Shareprice closed up 30 cents, and that had no dollars attached. And then fell because of ATM usage and Safend error, etc. Wait until the next PR that HAS dollars in it. We won't be at $1.50 anymore.. IMNSHO
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04/19/12 2:27 AM

#225339 RE: papageorgia #225327

Papageorgia---I understand the stress you feel regarding this investment. A lot of wavoids feel the same stress. In fact, I would argue that the mass exodus of wavoids to a different message board venue can be best understood as a massive group of wavoids having a collective nervous breakdown triggered by the sudden erosion of share price. It is convenient to blame the bashers, but rest assured it was the plunging share price that precipitated the breakdown.

The current absurdity of many wavoids wanting to force BOD changes is another symptom of the breakdown. The current BOD are outstanding precisely because they leave S. Sprague alone to work his genius and magic.

The above wavoid dynamics is of course cyclical repeating itself every 4 or 5 years.

Trusted Computing is approaching an inflection point with the introduction of Windows 8 and Wave will be in the epicenter of it all.