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04/18/12 9:50 AM

#13488 RE: mattchew #13486

You know what it really sounds like? Lmao

Sounds like your the only MARKET MAKER SPECIALIST HEDGE CLOWN that needs a SPEAK AND SPELL if you continue to get the STOCK symbols wrong like PSRU in my opinion of speculations....

*** You might be the only Specialist with a SPEAK AND SPELL on the pitt floor? OHHHHH lmao lol lol lol
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04/18/12 9:52 AM

#13489 RE: mattchew #13486

Matt the 481 SPeak and Spell Pentium Chip
Has language skills and phonics just for HEDGE ADVISORS that need that little help on the pitt floor when they start getting stock symbols mixed up like PSRU in my own opinion of speculations....
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04/19/12 9:36 AM

#13490 RE: mattchew #13486

Lmao! Put a STAMP on your AZZZ Maybe?

Maybe mail yourself to CANADA with the ADVERTISING LOGO ???? ohhhh lmao lol lol

OR, lmao lol lol TATOO the Advertising logo of PRSU right next to your SPEAK and SPELL TAT on your arm maybe???? Just my own opinion of speculations........
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04/19/12 9:41 AM

#13491 RE: mattchew #13486

Lmao! Tatoo the ADVERTISING logo maybe
On your Head or AZZZ maybe?

Stand in the mirror turn off the light and say HEDGE CLOWN three times maybe??? HEY, lmao lol lol Did you get the TATOO of PRSU.PK on your HEAD OR AZZZZ when you saw the advertising logo of stock in this link???? just my own opinion of speculations do your own research and make up your own opinions......
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04/22/12 12:48 AM

#13499 RE: mattchew #13486

Hey lmao Mouth BOT, lmao

~~ 3 words for ya!!!

SPeak and SPell!
Ohhhhh lmao lol lol
PSRU....... OHhhhhhhhhh lmao lol lol
~~~ Post back your opinion of speculation on the ADVERTISING LOGO on PRSU.PK stock ???
************** DUDE, go ask ANTISUBMARINE, he will tell you the correct symbol is PRSU.PK, and that it was legally called PRIME RESTAURANT INC.