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04/12/12 10:27 PM

#60807 RE: Chrion #60804

My short term prediction remains the same: .50-$1. CBIS is still on course and is progressing very well. With FDA fast track, I the PPS will naturally be higher.

Many catalysts on the way(i.e. A&E and other television exposure, national distribution of products, European parter or expansion, expansion in to Latin markets, Thailand partner, autism partnership, and of course FDA!)

Also, keep in mind legalization of cannabis is on the ballot this year...MMJ sector is hot(especially CBIS!)

GLTU in any decision (except if you short this, which I DO NOT advise!)
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04/12/12 11:24 PM

#60814 RE: Chrion #60804

That depends on a lot of things bro.Even if your target of .80 is off a lil and lets say for whatever reason it only goes to .50(only lol) You would still have over 25k$,brand new car!if it does goes to .80 or more your looking at an even nicer car/s lol if FDA approves your looking at a nice home/boat.Everyone is free to do what they want and in no way am i advising what YOU should do.BUT what I would do is play the res and supp games for what they are worth..I sold 3/4 of my shares on the last run to .24 and bought back between .12-15.(I even said i would the day before we hit .24,check posts)I plan on doing the samn,only this time with HALF of my shares and Ill wait for our breath of air in the mid to upper teens to reload agian,unless we keep going up.

This way I maximize my shares,I still sell and in the meantime secure money just in case who knows what happens,and i left some in play if god were to bless me and humanity.its a win win.not to mention this way you dont go ALL IN if you have other plays which like myself ,most do.atleast FOR ME its good!I like yourself,believe this is only the beg.with that in mind I never sell all,and when i do its in incremental sense in selling everything at once or buying all at once..itll backfire more than youll be right odds say.So sell in chunks n buy in chunks.

I Should have swing traded last week at .17 and bought back in the .12's but oh well i stuck it out,no nails left to bite now lol..thats over and we are up thank god..I could have played this better but ive been here a LONG time and sometimes euphoria or fear takes the better of me..usually its the eurphoria lol I tend to wanna become rich overnight...some call it greed..some would call it,hopeium,or a strong desire to see better in the world for humanity as a whole...I often am too optimistic...its tough to know when to hold or fold but TRUE longs will pull out on top no matter what.flipin for 10% or a cent will add up but odds are not in our favior doin so.

I believe in my heart mankind needs a change in perspective in order to save us from our own device ,and soon too.Time isnt on our side,and time isnt on the side of patients either.With the power of god through all of us maybe we can make a difference.Wake people up,spread the truth,and never let anything stand in your way of peace and happyness,we will do good!

.17 with a pr,.15 without tomm(assuming dow green),I expect big news out soon (product launch judging by dr moes twitter)to counter react any negative nancys over the 10k.Just because we killed a deer,dosent mean its already cooked and ready to eat..things take patience..I wish i could buy some of that,Im sure patience would be a lot more expensive than cbis...


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04/13/12 6:02 AM

#60827 RE: Chrion #60804

Actually, I think it's kind of...

an interesting have identified a couple of key variables
# shares and a vague outcome variable....$100,000 but do you mean to "cash a ticket for $100k" or to "post 100k in profit"? And, in each case are you talking before or after taxes? You also, you need to know your "buy-in" or avg share price....once you have those figs you may not know the answer, but you'll have a start on understanding the "realism" of your expectations and time frames...if you just want to cash a ticket for $100,'ll need $2 a share...but you'll need to average out at $ your actual bet is the stock will go a bit higher than $ can estimate that amount by developing an exit plan....

You also have an idea of the "experts" timeline...Short Term $.70...You dont know what "short term" means could mean 3-6 months ez...which is it...the rec came out in March, so if its closer to 3 they could be talking few weeks after Tucson, but if its closer to its August...if its 6 and .$70 in August you need to look 2-3 years out to expect to avg out at $2+ with 50k shares....You could cut your time frame down by flipping along the way...but you run the risk of becoming a scumbag pumper/basher....but the best way to reduce your time frame if this is your reality is to buy NOW! Because your theory says we begin a leg up sometime between now and Tucson at the end of the month and it could end in the .50-.70 range if the rec meant "3 months" AND they are close in their estimate. So quibbling over teenies this week is counter productive to your long term goal of cashing a $100k ticket as quickly as possible....

Alternatively, if you just want to cash a ticket and dont mind can do that too....just realize it will be 2-3 yrs before you are likely to cash out....However, also realize if you actual objective is to walk with $100k after taxes and your initial buy-in....well, that will take a lot longer.....But if all things CBIS should come to pass momentum alone could carry you across the finish line in a much shorter time frame...but that would be not an expectation, just a gift from other words keep your time frames realistic and anything sooner will be just an unexpected bonus.
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04/13/12 9:24 AM

#60847 RE: Chrion #60804

I'm shooting for 300k by Nov. then let it ride to a buck or higher if it's riding up nicely. Staying long term but will cash in when the profit and news is aligned with the moon and mars. Lol