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04/12/12 8:21 AM

#75254 RE: koko3 #75252 (2 yrs 5 months) (5months) (2yrs)

Martin Gerber is the best employee at the moment imo
Martin Gerber, Chief Marketing Officer
Contact Martin Gerber

Marty is a major shareholder and founder of the company. His background has focused on developing start-up companies involved with cutting-edge new technologies and spans over 30 years in the electronic and electrical sectors. He was a critical part of the deployment of the CFL lighting market. He has significant experience importing products from Asia and is conversant with all facets of management, sales, distribution, marketing, operations and finance. Before joining SavWatt, Marty founded his own company, MG&A, Inc. and has been supplying small to medium sized companies in a variety of industry sectors with sales and marketing strategies. He studied engineering at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and business, finance and retail at New York University.

Are they being paid? SURE!

Q. So how come Koval quit?
A. Delay wage payment ....Miserable $1,700 lol

What about Michael Haug and Jerry Sutton? Their wages were paid.