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04/09/12 4:30 PM

#33643 RE: Portguyofva #33642

Yeah and the sp is guys are amazing!! Take on a PR firm and get total silence whicj piggybacks on the total silence we have received since the last cc. Hows the Gander rollut??? How's the uplist coming along??



04/09/12 4:50 PM

#33644 RE: Portguyofva #33642

Memo: From a "bear" to a couple of ostriches who think they are the "silent majority".

I just got back from a delightful 14 day cruise, completely relaxed and not inclined to get involved in the daily back and forth of this Board.

Read your post where you think Virtra management is doing a good job. This got eschine's juices going and he came out of his self-imposed coma and agreed with you.

Its now been approximately one (1) year since they tried to spring the Proxy on us and I have one very simple question for you. Name one (1) positive event that has ACTUALLY TRANSPIRED in that year? MILLER HAS BEEN HOT AIR, THE AUDIT IS NOT DONE, CONTROLLER GONE , SHAFFER GONE, NO FINANCIAL TRANPARENCY, ORLANDO JUST OVERHEAD AT THIS POINT..YOUR TURN...