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04/09/12 10:57 AM

#293 RE: BigBake1 #292

The 'trade for trade' is where the exorbinent fees come in. Those who use brokers that go thru the DTCC must physically locate the shares and 'certify' them, which is why it's so expensive.

Trade for trade basically means you get your shares in physical certificate form, though your broker will usually hold them.

You're largely right about the stalemate scenario. RFMK longs are so drunk on the kool-aid being served on that board, they haven't the sense to realize when they're stuck in the mud, and mud is exactly where that stock is.

It's nothing short of hilarious to me how they seem to think their CEO is a god, yet with all his DTCC consulting skills, he can't even avoid the chill.

I dunno if stupity gets any worse than that.


07/12/12 10:21 AM

#310 RE: BigBake1 #292

How can i get info from on a OTC
issue, and see if it has been
CHILLED or not ?

when i go to i am still
unable to get the info

any suggestions?

i agree, the biggest problem wiht the
chill, is LACK OF LIQUIDITY...

and COST OF broker transaction could go up

this is still Wild wild west, but will not change anytime soon

let me know if u have a way to get IMMEDIATE info
on an OTC stock to see if its a Chill or not


