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Math Junkie

02/06/03 1:50 PM

#4073 RE: SoxFan #4059

"I'm concerned that we have lost focus on the war on Terrorism."

According to media reports, Powell was one of the Administration members who was arguing that Iraq should not be our first priority now. He seems to have changed his tune on that.

"So I look at some of what Powell said with a jaundiced eye."

Do you think the Iraqis are telling the truth about not having prohibited weapons programs?

"After which I then say - so what if everything is true? What should our next course of action be - just what we are doing now. Let inspectors inspect and expand the number of inspectors. Keep the pressure on as it is doing us no harm and we are not sacrificing our young."

Personally, I am unsure if attacking Iraq is the right thing to do, but on the other hand if it turns out to be true that they are trying to develop nuclear weapons, one has to ask for what purpose. What do you think Iraq's purpose in that would be?

The idea of expanding the number of inspectors has appeal, but a big unanswered question is how close is Iraq to succeeding in their nuclear weapons program? Without knowing the answer to that, waiting for the next time the weather is favorable for a military action, i.e., till next year, runs the risk that they could be closer to success than we think.

What do you suppose would have been the result if Nazi Germany had developed nuclear weapons in time to use them in World War II? Is Saddam Hussein any better than Adolph Hitler? Remember, his role model is Joseph Stalin, who was another of history's prime examples of a bloodthirsty tyrant.