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06/20/12 2:03 PM

#381 RE: TheRaveninexile #378

TheRaveninexile welcome to Federal Reserve Watch -
good to see you here :-)

btw. fyi....
Icelandic Government Defeated The Bankers Iceland Kicks
Out Bankers nwo mafiay
Iceland is free -

Iceland economy grows at fastest pace since kick out of banksters
IMF & 666 nwo fed cult ussr copycat mafiay -

Read more:
God Bless

Iceland forgives mortgage debt of its population.

The People owns now their homes debt free :-) -

NO more foreclosures, executive 666 banksters auctioneers etc. -
(May 8, 2012)
Total 666 Media Blackout copycatz of
the iron ussr red curtains -
God Bless

compare to the PEOPLE in USA been robbed of
the money by 666 bailouts, tarp etc. -
would have payed for next 5 generation of PEOPLES houses -
soon most houses robbed by forclosuers etc. to rob
more money to 666 banksters cult -

We urge you to read as much as possible and then contact
the US Dept. of Justice and demand that Barack Obama be
indicted -

Please, pass it along >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
God Bless
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07/26/12 6:52 AM

#391 RE: TheRaveninexile #378

Ron Paul Questions Tim Geithner On "Manipulation Of Interest Rates For Benefit Of SOME Individuals

Ron Paul ~ H.R. 459 "Audit The FED": This Vote SaysThe People Want Transparency Of The FED

Judge Napolitano: I support Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill

House Passes Ron Paul's Audit the Fed Bill 327-98

Is It Why Ron Paul Refuses Secret Service Protection -

Dr Ron Paul on Raw Milk Freedom

JPMorgan Chase — Too Big Not To Fail -

May God Help Us All

by Mark Stopa, Florida attorney

Wanna Buy a Government-Foreclosed Home? OK. Just Bring $10,000,000.00

Posted on June 29th, 2012 by Mark Stopa

I've often expressed my disgust at how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac frequently pay banks 100% of their judgment amounts in foreclosure cases.
It's an appalling dynamic in foreclosure-world,
one where banks often have no incentive to modify mortgages
because "our" government will pay the banks in full once the
foreclosure is over (and all the banks have to do is convey
title to Fannie and Freddie).

Incredibly, just when I thought I couldn't be any more appalled, somehow, my disgust with "our" government reached a new level today.

I have it on good information (directly from someone personally involved) that Fannie and Freddie are selling foreclosed homes in bulk to third-party investors. Not one at a time, not several - dozens - at heavily discounted rates. In other words, many of the homes in Florida and elsewhere that have been foreclosed, with lower and middle-class homeowners thrown onto the streets and title transferred to Fannie or Freddie, are being sold to third-party investors in bulk.

If you think that sounds like an interesting investment opportunity, a chance to purchase a new home after you were foreclosed, let me stop you. Fannie and Freddie aren't making these investments available to just anyone. To qualify, to even get inside the door to the auction room, you must have at least $10,000,000.00 in assets, and you must be able to prove the existence of those assets via bank statements and the like.

Ten million bucks, just to get in the door.

Is this what America has become? Throwing Americans onto the streets so "our" government pays the banks to foreclose and "our" government sells those houses in bulk at discounted rates to third-party investors with an eight-figure net worth?

Apparently so.


You know what's arguably even worse? Nobody is even talking about this. No news stories. No media coverage. Nothing. Would you have known about this if Mark Stopa - basically a nobody in the scope of national news and politics - hadn't blogged about it?

Why such secrecy? Where is the media coverage? Where's the outrage? Who is running our government, exactly? This is as big an issue as Obamacare - thousands of homeowners getting foreclosed and their homes being sold in bulk to the mega-wealthy. Why is nobody even talking about it? Is America really a land where our government takes houses from the poor and middle class and sells them in bulk at discounted rates to the mega-wealthy - and it does so completely in secret? Does anyone care?

This is why I consider this the biggest post I've ever written. This is what is driving the whole foreclosure crisis, and nobody knows about it. Nobody's even talking about it. Change is not possible without awareness, and right now, all Americans are totally in the dark about this dynamic. Well, all Americans except those who have $10,000,000.00.

May God help us all.
Mark Stopa

Was Hitler a Zionist NWO Illuminati? Who Funded The Nazis? Adolph Rothschild -

Hitler is related to the Rothschild family.
We must learn our real history or we will be doomed to repeat it.
Hitler was supposed to be the messiah for Germany and Europe
(at first).. he was a nobody funded by everybody much like
old Obama & Romney super red bankster vampires who both will
give you the WW3 for 99.666% & wipe out 99.666% of the PEOPLE
FOR 99.666% SURE -
Hitler stood on the precipice of ww2 just as the possibility
of ww3 now looms over Obama & Romney puppets of khazarian king
pin cult Rothschild/Hitler.

If you think Nazis just appeared one day and disappeared after
the war, you are dead wrong.
The people who funded Hitler are more evil than he was and
responsible for much more death and despair and they are still
operating today behind the secret societies, governments, black
projects right down to the media and youtube.
Enough is enough, already.. they must be stopped.

Banksters khazarian MURDERED Millions of JEWS KILLED over 100 Mil Gentiles

thee murdered our Jewish Brother & Sisters -

history often repeat itself -

Under the surface, the Rothschilds long had a powerful influence
in dictating American financial laws.
The law records show that they were powers in the old Bank of
the United States [abolished by Andrew Jackson].

Rothschild quotes:

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes
the laws."

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to
rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money
supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The
only question is whether World Government will be achieved by
conquest or consent."


Romney’s & Obama’s Bankster Donors: Goldman, Morgan, Chase, etc.

January 14, 2012, 4:43 pm By Arlen Williams 35 Comments

If the coincidences are difficult to understand,
just click the categories and tags, perhaps starting
with category: “Banksters” and tag: “Mitt Romney.”

Ron Paul restoring U.S. Honor

Ron Paul Is the Choice of Troop


Ron Paul Could Still Be The Republican Nominee (7-6-12)

Ron Paul Message To Supporters: Tampa Rally Update (7-6-12)

Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited,
constitutional government, low taxes, free markets,
sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy.

For more information visit the following websites:

You need to know about Haarp, People killer 666 machine -
climate change and Cern in a Nutshell -
Haarp and Cern - Illuminati's Secret Weaapons (PART2)(2012)
Be sure to watch PART 1

Haarp and Cern - Illuminati's Secret Weaapons to murder the PEOPLE (PART 1)

Iceland forgives mortgage debt of its population.
The People owns now their homes debt free -
NO more foreclosures, executive 666 banksters auctioneers etc. -
(May 8, 2012) Total 666 Media Blackout copycatz of
the iron ussr red curtains -
God Bless

compare to the PEOPLE in USA been robbed of
the money by khazarian 666 gypses bailouts, tarp etc. -
would have payed for next 5 generation of PEOPLES houses -
soon most houses robbed by forclosuers etc. to rob
more money to 666 banksters cult -

Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov't
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03/05/13 5:46 PM

#412 RE: TheRaveninexile #378

Drone strikes against Americans on U.S. soil are legal
March 5, 2013 | 4:09 pm | Modified: March 5, 2013 at 5:00 pm
by Eric Holder:

Imminent Collapse Of U.S. Economy

What else did you expect from the Fed?

The Disappearing fed fiat dollar ponzy scheme -

flu vaccine use to modify human behavior
by Leaked Pentagon video -
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07/02/13 1:27 PM

#415 RE: TheRaveninexile #378

The men who crashed the world =
khazarian 666 rothschilds nwo banksters cult bolshevistic gypses -

The Federal Reserve Is Paying Banks NOT To Lend 1.8 Trillion Dollars To The American People

FEMA signs deal with Russian Emergency Situations Ministry to “exchange experts”

As part of a deal signed last week in Washington DC between the
Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and FEMA, Russian officials
will provide “security at mass events” in the United States, a
scenario that won’t sit well with Americans wary of foreign assets
operating on US soil.