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02/05/03 11:08 PM

#4050 RE: Tom K #4049

Tom K, I watched closely, House Boy is a Fucking Liar.

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02/06/03 10:08 AM

#4059 RE: Tom K #4049

Tom, I'm thrilled that you actually care what I thought about Powell's 75 minute speech. Honestly I was impressed. I was somewhat concerned when he pointed out that they had photo's of a training camp where they knew Iraqi's were training al Qaeda troops for deploying chemical WMD and the targets were the USofA. Those pictures were not new pictures as some were in 2002. Those camps were in the nothern part of Iraq in Kurdish territory where we could easily take them out. Why do you suppose that our leaders would not bomb the crap out those camps if they knew that Iraq was training al Qaeda to dispatch chemical weapons into America? I'm concerned that we have lost focus on the war on Terrorism. Of course that's if you take them at face value, which I'm sure you do. So either our leaders are incompetent and will let al Qaeda get their hands on chemical weapons and training or they are so fixated on Iraq and getting evidence against them that Osama's army is insignificant, or?

You see Tommy I still have this craw stuck in the back of my throat that we have been lied to in the past so may times it's difficult to tell if it's the truth or a lie. I remember the Gulf of Tonkin which I and million of Americans swallowed with a very bad after taste. IT WAS A LIE. I also remember our President's dad saying that "we have satellite photos of 250,000 Iraqi's troops amassed on the border of Saudi Arabia." IT WAS A LIE. I also remember testimony that Iraqi troops were throwing babies out og incubators onto the floor and dialysis machine being ripped from patients and shipped to Bagdad. IT WAS A LIE.

So I look at some of what Powell said with a jaundiced eye. After which I then say - so what if everything is true? What should our next course of action be - just what we are doing now. Let inspectors inspect and expand the number of inspectors. Keep the pressure on as it is doing us no harm and we are not sacrificing our young.

So were you getting a woodie when Powell was speaking?