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04/04/12 6:27 AM

#78528 RE: StLXer #78525

i'm thinking A S are used up,hoping it brought us cfp
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04/17/12 10:21 AM

#79088 RE: StLXer #78525

The key to investors at this point is to make it very clear there is no tolerance for another share correction, additional authorized shares, or lack of relative value for every A/S share utilized.

I'm a little surprised by your current positive spin on Matty's having blown through every last share in the past 3 months!
Did you find "relative value for every A/S share utilized"???
Yes, I saw:

Subsequent to year-end the Company issued 111,194,961 shares resulting in an outstanding share amount of 249,999,364 shares with 250,000,000 authorized. Of those shares issued subsequent to year end, 110,435,264 were issued to debt holders reducing the note balance by $1,564,320.

So Matty "paid off debt" with 110,435,264 shares...
That's great...but WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER shares he blew through since the split?

Balance at December 31, 2010 62,838,832
(below is just a PARTIAL LIST)
Shares issued for services 1,288,099
Shares issued for Compensation 445,671
Shares issued for Cash 1,953,025
Ironridge Global 9,179,018
(I include Ironridge because that was a BILL, that MATTY FAILED TO PAY, and resulted in a court "settlement" of the claim!)

I guess some people are willing to give him a free pass for THOSE shares, just because he paid off PART of the outstanding debt!

And now that the shares are all gone...

Paulie says: "You are correct, company runs on its own juice now.
And we are very confident of our abilities."

Sure...THEN WHY did Vicente already have to float the company a loan?
"On January 12, 2012, HaVi Enterprises, LLC, in which the Company’s COO Joseph Vicente owns a 50% interest, loaned $50,000 to the Company through a Secured Promissory Note with an interest rate of 12% per annum and a 6-month repayment schedule."

AND HOW exactly is that going to happen when they CLEARLY are not operating with a POSITIVE cash flow???
WHAT MIRACLE is going to occur in the next months to make this all possible???

Oh..that's right...a merger or buy out?

WHY would a company merge with, or buy out CBAI NOW,
when they can wait awhile, and pick them up for pennies on the $, when they go bankrupt???
It doesn't take a GENIUS to see Matty has a BIG PROBLEM!

We are suppose to believe the company is capable of "running on it's own juice"???
...This from the same source that said this:

mofnc Thursday, September 01, 2011 6:05:15 PM
Re: None Post # of 66946
Received E mail back from IR
Got the same response when I inquired about the chill

paul knopick TO:'rich xxxxxxxxx' Message flagged Message body We did not make this filing. You’d have to ask Ironridge . We don’t have any comment on this issue.


Mailing Address
(702) 914-7250
Cord Blood America, Inc.

Ironridge was a LEGAL PROCEEDING that should have been disclosed...

I see it FINALLY found it's CORRECT PLACE in the filings, on page 21!
"Ironridge Global IV, Ltd.
In August of 2011, Ironridge Global IV, Ltd. (“Ironridge”), the holder of certain claims against the Company in the amount of $260,695.20 due for services provided to the Company which had not been paid, filed a complaint against the Company in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. On August 17, 2011, the Court approved a settlement of Ironridge’s complaint in exchange for the issuance of 7,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock pursuant to Section 3(a)(10) of the Securities Act of 1933 as amended. In accordance with the approved settlement, the number of shares to be issued to Ironridge was subject to adjustment. In addition to the 7,000,000 shares issued to Ironridge on August 17, 2011, an additional 2,179,018 shares were issued to Ironridge on November 4, 2011, pursuant to the adjustment required under the settlement agreement."
It's preceded by THIS:
"Ken Williams
In July 2011 and September 2011, the Company was notified by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (the “EEOC”) that an individual named Ken Williams filed a claim for discrimination based on race and retaliation against the Company with the EEOC. The Company believes Mr. Williams’ claims were without merit, and would have vigorously defended these claims. Subsequently and prior to any action being required on the part of the Company, however, the EEOC notified the Company that Mr. Williams’ claims were dismissed. To the best of the Company’s knowledge, there is no action pending anywhere that is related to this matter."

HHhhMMMmmm... is that ANOTHER legal proceeding that FAILED to make it into how many filings (since July/September 2011)???

Meanwhile...the FFGG fiasco also made it into this filing...
"CBAI engaged Frozen Food Gift Group, Inc. (“FFGG”) as a vendor, prepaying for $45,000 in products during 2011. The remaining balance on that account is $30,000 as of December 31, 2011. The Company’s CEO and Chairman of the Board, Mathew Schissler, owns 41.4% of the outstanding shares of FFGG, and is FFGG’s Chairman of the Board. CBAI’s COO Joseph Vicente served on the Board of Directors of FFGG, but resigned, effective as of January 26, 2012."

I find it ODD that it does not MATCH the FFGG filing!!! LOL!!!
The Company entered into an agreement with a related company through common management whereby the related company has agreed to buy the Company's product in bulk in order to obtain a discount on the purchase price. In this regard the related company has prepaid $30,000 during the quarter ended March 31, 2011 for these products. As of March 31, 2011, the related company had not ordered any of the Company's products and none had been shipped."
page F-10

Apparently, Matty has actually shelled out $45K to his ice cream company!

He is also UNDERSTATING his involvement with FFGG:
Matt Schissler, is Director and Chairman, of FFGG, and holds 46,592,000 shares, which is "41.4%"...BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!!!

His wife Stephanie Schissler, and other companies of theirs using the "Pyrenees" name:
Stephanie Schissler 10,000,000 9.8%
Pyrenees Consulting, LLC(2) 10,000,000 9.8%
Pyrenees Management, Inc.(3) 10,000,000 9.8%
Pyrenees Investments, LLC(4) 5,000,000 4.94%
(2)The individual that makes the investment decisions for Pyrenees Consulting, LLC is Matthew Schissler.
(3)The individual that makes the investment decisions for Pyrenees Management, Inc. is Matthew Schissler.
(4)The individual that makes the investment decisions for Pyrenees Investments, LLC is Matthew Schissler.
and a trust of theirs (Investment decisions for Red Bowl Family Trust are made by Matthew Schissler. ) also holds 3,000,000 shares of FFGG.

I am totally mystified by the continual attempts to spin the BS this CEO pulls,
to a positive light???

I also think it's absolutely HILARIOUS that part of Matty's "cutting burn", is dumping the 401k plan.

However, he feels no need to save $12.5K a month, that is being paid to his wife, for "consulting"?
Why is he paying so many OTHER "consultants" at the SAME TIME???
(See page 24-25)
Nor did he feel he should fore-go his ($54,574) and Vicente's ($31,624) BONUSES!!!

No DOUBT, because of the SPECTACULAR job they have done this past year!!!
(that's a "Mattyism"...notice I said they did a "SPECTACULAR job" was spectacularly BAD, LOL!,
but we just won't add that qualifier!!!)