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03/29/12 11:58 PM

#172177 RE: Garden Rose #172175

I'm going to take your first paragraph.

'll tell you why I support Assad. I consider that he is the lesser of two evils. What the West plans to do in Syria is to destablize it in order to weaken its resistance to the Israeli occupation. Those opposing Assad are not homegrown protestors, they are shipped in from Saudi Arabia, the extremist head chopper fundamentalists. If Assad falls, these headchoppers will target the Christians and other minorities and either kill them or have them flee the country, just as happened in Iraq.

First Syria is all ready NOT STABLE and has not been stable for at least a year now.. WE, The United States of America had not a damn thing to do with it .. Get IT? ....NOTHING ..Man .. you didn't even make an attempt to PROVE that bs..I don't blame you there isn't any ..

Those opposing Assad are not homegrown protestors, they are shipped in from Saudi Arabia, the extremist head chopper fundamentalists.

WHERE'S the darn PROOF of this ? .. be very careful.. because I do have quite a bit of information on just who these protestors are from the beginning. NOW you provide a link for these people being shipped into Syria which includes, WHEN Saudi supposedly starting sending in people to Syria ... Provide links or that statement is just not credible

and btw, IF you are one of these folks who just think every other country is EVER so much better and SIN FREE, than the one you are living in ... I have a board for you to post on ... actually, I have quite a few boards for you to enjoy .. because Believe IT! .. .I'm not going to give much attention to a bunch of junk that has nothing behind it to prove that it's true ...

NOW, I'll take a look at the other parts of your post. While YOU provide those links to back your statements up with .. tia... ;)

this is all most beginning to sound just like 'paul gibberish' .. .
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03/30/12 12:14 AM

#172182 RE: Garden Rose #172175

and oh btw, Regarding Syria, Sunni Arabs comprise 65 per cent, while Sunni Kurds and Christians constitute ten
per cent each.
Druze, Shia, Ismailis and others make up the remainder.
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03/30/12 12:18 AM

#172187 RE: Garden Rose #172175

against the state

Lets define "state". I never understood the mixture of the term State..

The State of Delaware could kick All their Butts
The State of New York could kick All their Butts

They will be at eachother FOREVER.. This crap will never end.

So go to some beach 4,000 miles away and sip some Iced Tea

The Mid East DeBacle is a Joke and its OLD HAT for the rest of the world. We are sick and Tired of the Fighting between the Isrealies and the Rest of the Pack. This crap is thousands of years old, they havn't figured it out in the past, they havn't figured it out in the present and they aren't doing anything to figure it out in the future. And the rest of the world doesn't have the time to put up with the brothers that can't get along.

Screw em ALL.
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03/30/12 2:55 AM

#172223 RE: Garden Rose #172175

Garden Rose - your "Those opposing Assad are not homegrown protestors, they are shipped
in from Saudi Arabia, the extremist head chopper fundamentalists.
" has me wondering
where you get all your supposed 'facts' .. i hope you will find this earlier post of interest ..

Q&A: Nir Rosen on Syria's armed opposition .. excerpt ..

AJ: Are the fighters inspired by any particular ideology?

NR: The regime and its supporters describe the opposition, especially the armed opposition, as Salafis, Jihadists, Muslim Brotherhood supporters, al-Qaeda and terrorists. This is not true, but it's worth noting that all the fighters I met - in the provinces of Homs, Idlib, Hama, Deraa and the Damascus suburbs - were Sunni Muslims, and most were pious.

They fight for a multitude of reasons: for their friends, for their neighbourhoods, for their villages, for their province, for revenge, for self-defence, for dignity, for their brethren in other parts of the country who are also fighting. They do not read religious literature or listen to sermons. Their views on Islam are consistent with the general attitudes of Syrian Sunni society, which is conservative and religious.

While the resistance is becoming increasingly well-armed,
some groups complain they don't have enough weapons

Because there are many small groups in the armed opposition it is difficult to describe their ideology in general terms. The Salafi and Muslim Brotherhood ideologies are not important in Syria and do not play a significant role in the revolution. But most Syrian Sunnis taking part in the uprising are themselves devout. Many fighters were not religious before the uprising, but now pray and are inspired by Islam, which gives them a creed and a discourse. Many believe they will be martyred and go to paradise if they die. They are not fighting for Islam but they are inspired by it. Some drink alcohol, which is forbidden in Islam, and do not pray. And their brothers in arms do not force them to pray.

Please note, the Saudis are Salafi .. also, though there would probably be/might be some
foreign fights in Syria there is no mention at all of sentiments along the lines of .. repeat ..

"Those opposing Assad are not homegrown protestors, they are shipped
in from Saudi Arabia, the extremist head chopper fundamentalists.

Now, as far as i know, neither Nir Rosen nor Al Jazeera are Saudi sympathizers .. also, the reasons Nir gives above for the opposition fighters really don't sound like reasons Saudi "head chopper fundamentalists" fighting in Syria would have.

What do you think?