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08/16/05 10:04 PM

#4767 RE: PennyWorld #4766

pennyworld: re reverse split

i agree to a point; certainly under current conditions, non-reporting, pink, etc; it'd "probably" be unrealistic to expect the ceo to close the door on such a common option

and one of fayiz's releases states he must feel he can do what's necessary to make cetek "work" (the latter is my own paraphrase of what i kinda remember him saying)

the points where i disagree are, among other things, when the value of the current shareholder base (and i'm not saying that's us) is such that it's aversion to a reverse split is strong enough for the ceo to do what's necessary and practical to retire shares, or buy them back, or whatever else can be done to prevent the usual trauma of the reverse split

...that the ceo will publicly commit to sincerely exploring all avenues that would still help the company and avoid a reverse split, even if qualified by, just as an example, "for the forseeable future," "unless absolutely necessary, and properly presented to our shareholders", etc

...that there is a justified and reliable expectation by the shareholders that they would be communicated with re any such future necessity, the whys and hows and hand-in-hand sacrifices by the preferred, or family, or insider shareholders

...that an appropriate reduction in the authorized shares would accompany such a drastic event as a reverse split, even for the purposes of advancing to more highly traded respected board

i'm not saying these things have to happen; after all, i can just leave (sell)

i'm saying, these are things that can build on the type of shareholder base i sense is in cetek

these are the types of things that would hold a shareholder base through many many of the unpredictable ups and downs this company and its stock will experience if it truly survives into a larger reporting status

anyway, enough; i look fwd to hearing from all of ya'll, and from fayiz, later this month

i've always said, this is fully worth the gamble: so much potential with a real product that's really needed: nice