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03/25/12 10:00 AM

#1654 RE: SuperC #1653



03/25/12 12:30 PM

#1657 RE: SuperC #1653

I think you hit the nail again, superC and thx for all your passionate thoughts to this board!

Will this be something like a buyout for ECOS or are they strong enough to dominate this relationship?
It makes me a little bit nervous, that ECOS is by no means mentioned as a founder of the marketed tech on the FEI HP ...

Has anybody done some DD for FEI to get an deeper insight to our new "partner"? Do they really have the economic power and manpower to push our technology to where it belongs?

Do you think FEI will be in a position to dictate the final settings to ECOS or can they be forced to really share some of the future value of this technology with us?

And what about our second baby - is our nanobattery still alive and well on it's way to the big market?
Will they perhaps concentrate on that and just wanted to get their hands free?

I'm long for ECOS for nearly one year and will keep holding on (and keep buying more on the next unavoidable dip ;-))

GLTYA and greetz from Germany


03/25/12 3:24 PM

#1661 RE: SuperC #1653

Thanks SuperC for your words of caution. Maybe dampen down a little bit of "irrational exuberance" that could be happening here.

When I first read the PR for this deal it seemed like a buy out but after reading it many times over I think FEI is going to be an exclusive seller of ECOS's equipment and additive. The important part is "FEI is committed to purchase, own and operate all or most of EcoloCap’s manufactured processing equipment and additive for the production of M-Fuel and other specialty emulsion fuels" It sounds to me ECOS is going to be responsible for manufacturing the equipment and additive then supplying it to FEI with their mark up I would assume. I would hope on 1 April we would have more clarification.

The long term has huge potential when you consider the world uses about 25 million barrels a day of diesel and heavy fuels. This is 1 billion gallons a day. Ships burn heavy fuels and I believe the NPU's can be used there. There are about 50,000 ships worldwide. You broke down the revenue numbers per NPU.
If they capture just a small part of this market the revenue and earnings can be huge. The short term run up will be because of the potential and people positioning themselves for the long term potential. Some "rational exuberance" maybe in order.


03/25/12 5:33 PM

#1663 RE: SuperC #1653

The battery tech has even more potential perhaps. Sounds intriguing anyhow.

From Nov 10-Q

MBT M-Fuel
EcoloCap Solutions Inc., through its subsidiary Micro Bubble Technologies Inc. (MBT), developed M-Fuel, an innovative suspension fuel that far exceeds all conventional fuels’ costs and efficiencies. This environmentally-friendly and economical product is designed to offer fully scalable and customizable fuel solutions that will increase efficiency, lower operating costs, and reduce emissions. M -Fuel is a suspension mixture of 60% heavy oil, 40% H plus O2 molecules, and a 0.3% stabilizing additive. The production of M-Fuel takes place in our Nano Processing Units (NPU), a self contained device that is sized for output. The NPU’s can be configured to operate in conjunction with an engine or burner to sully M-Fuel on demand, or pre-manufactured for delivery. M-Fuels unique burning process facilitates increased efficiency, resulting in reduced emissions by 60%, reduced fuel consumption by 40%, and cut costs by up to 25%.

MBT -Batteries
EcoloCap Solutions Inc., through its subsidiary Micro Bubble Technologies Inc. (MBT), developed the Carbon Nano Tube Battery (CNT-Battery), a fully recyclable, rechargeable battery that far exceeds the performance capabilities of any existing battery on the market at this time. This environmentally-friendly and economical product is designed to offer fully scalable and customizable power solutions that will increase efficiency, lower operating costs, and reduce emissions. Our proprietary technology modifies the fabrication of lead acid batteries by applying a highly-conductive carbon nano tube coating to the anode and cathode cells. As a result, conductive surface area is increased by a factor of billions and electricity is carried out more efficiently. The CNT-Battery’s advanced technology demonstrates eight times the reserve capacity of traditional lead acid batteries, two and a half times the energy density of lithium-ion batteries, and a recharge time of just five minutes; all at a fraction of the cost of lithium-ion batteries