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03/23/12 4:14 PM

#20238 RE: Simpsonly #20237

The difference is that this is a message board, and not in person (as in your club analogy). People such as this who slander others online would never dream of doing it in person. This is a cowardly action IMHO that does not even deserve a reply.

I will admit that I have been caught up in replying to his posts in the past, and even was banned for a while here, but learned quickly that anything said here online by those types of people woould never be said in person.

I conduct myself here with respect and would only say things here I would say in person. Anyone who does not do that is not worth my time.

There are many good things about the internet, but one of the negatives is that a coward can voice their opinion when there ordinarly would not.
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03/23/12 9:33 PM

#20241 RE: Simpsonly #20237

I see your giving your Thesaurus a workout today. lol (Part of you must wonder about traveling too much abroad while the ship is "listing" somewhat?) One would think that with such limited funds and liquidity that "focus" is imperative right now for success; therefore cutting back on travel - unless a potential deal is at stake - should seem to be the wiser road to travel. I propose more focus and development on the foundation that has been laid by management. It's time to pack a punch and do what successful companies do best !
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03/24/12 12:28 AM

#20242 RE: Simpsonly #20237 started posting 2 months ago, and ignoring what manageament did to investors the past 3 years-only lies lies and false and half truths! stop all your poetry here, and 30 lines messages, defending who really was a robber to all of us.Are you sleeping or what?Whelan is a big liar and clown, and we all know that, and of course he managed BIEL at expense of us.He s a hidden bank robber, only thing is law protects this kind of robbers, like him and J.Noel.He should be in jail.And Fuente says'' handle it with poise and class. ''
What kind of class Whelan as treated investors, constantly lying for 3 years?The class of a big coward and person of really low ethics.should i handle this with class?he ripped of many investors accounts...what class we should have towards him? wake up....i not only would tell all this in front of him, but also i would tell everybody in the world how low this man has been.he deserves zero confidence from us.He kept investors stringed in a rope, while he knew contracts were not being done, sales were really bad, and FDA asking more and more.He s a big liar, i would treat him not with class, but trying sending him to jail,is what these guys deserve
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03/24/12 12:29 AM

#20243 RE: Simpsonly #20237

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03/24/12 12:29 AM

#20244 RE: Simpsonly #20237