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03/22/12 3:07 PM

#18298 RE: jettson #18296

I just don't know what to say, about that. I believe that NOBODY
will ever know, for absolute certain, whether Victory Partners
was pre-cognizant or NOT pre-cognizant of the DTC "chill."

As regards THE TIMING of the recent undertakings with AAAA, and
the Release of the pertinent, associated 8-k, I believe THAT could NOT BE
Released until everything -- all the arrangements, terms, and conditions --
were wrapped-up/finalized.
So, almost by default, the preliminary
negotiations etc. HAD TO BE DONE in relative "silence."

Please understand, I am NOT making excuses for anybody or for
any party here. I'm simply placing the recent activities, events,
proceedings, and Announcements into reasonable, realistic, and
understandable context.

My Opinion, but I am not bothered, distressed, annoyed, or
troubled IN THE LEAST by ANY of this. Things just didn't work-out
the first time around. Perhaps THE NEXT TIME, they shall!

WAIT...HOLD...BIG EVENTS and DEVELOPMENTS shall be forthcoming here, IMO.

All the Best to you and Everyone and TEMN!$ :-)