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03/22/12 4:25 PM

#45289 RE: Hurricane_Rick #45283

I think it all comes down to each individual investor’s willingness to believe what they are being told.

There are those of us, myself included, that have come to distrust anything that MDMN says in a Q&A or in a Shareholder Update. From the sounds of his posts, it seems that Medinaminer is getting to that point as well.

A few years back, I would read each document that the company put out with excitement and anticipation of how great my life would be once I started selling my shares for huge profits. Now, I read every word with skepticism thinking that each one was deliberately chosen to convey a meaning that is actually far from what is truly taking place. I look at each statement and try to decipherer which words were selected to give MDMN an out or an excuse a few weeks down the road when everyone is still waiting for the big announcement that hasn't come.

You are obviously sold on MDMN and believe everything that the company puts forth will eventually come to fruition. In fact, your last post sounds just as strong today as a strikingly similar post from March 31st of last year in which you stated, “While shareholders wait for the impending joint venture announcement, one would think that it would be beneficial for an active investor to exercise a bit more due diligence perhaps by expanding his/her understanding of the industry in which the investment is a part of and learn or at least become conversant in as many of the fundamental and/or peripheral topics that directly or indirectly affect that investment,…”

I read your posts with a great deal of respect and admiration for all of due diligence that you have obviously done in regards to MDMN. I check in here every day because there is a part of me that thinks that your conviction and belief in this company could actually be justified.

However, there is another part of me that looks at MDMN like an old girlfriend that slept with my best friend, and I no longer trust a thing that she says!!!


03/22/12 4:47 PM

#45290 RE: Hurricane_Rick #45283

Mong says I'm Sorry Mr. Rick, but you say to Medinaminer:

"Speaking of Dr. DeCosta, if you have an issue with what Dr. DeCosta should or shouldn't be commenting on, why are you addressing it to me or anyone else in this forum? I'm not Dr. DeCosta's spokesman. I would suggest you confront him directly on the forums he posts in. Not to discredit Dr. DeCosta, but he is merely a shareholder like anyone else."

But didn't you, Mr. Rick, post this sticky we all see everyday at top of this blog that, in your words, starts out like this:

"From Dr. DeCosta - arguably the most knowledgeable and respected MDMN shareholder:"

Mong wonders why it OK to quote DeCosta's expertness or NSS excuses while promoting Medina Minerals but NOT OK to bring up issues or questions with DeCosta in very same place his writings are provided (by you) as worthy expert and permanent reading?


03/22/12 8:58 PM

#45301 RE: Hurricane_Rick #45283

HR-No need to be Forgiven For Anything Here!
Your posts and patience with the multitude of regulars that traduce the progress made by this company over the years is to be commended. While it's nice to see new "personalities" posting and asking questions, you are quite correct in pointing out that some of the information requested is readily available. If one truly wishes to do proper DD before making an investment here they can start by looking at the Basic Company Information on i-Hub, a superb resource. No need to spoon feed newbies daily. There is an amazing wealth of information compiled on this site for anyone looking to investigate the known geological sampling and history of the properties. While I've only held a position for 5 years, I find your depth of insight and discussion to be more than helpful to the majority of shareholders and traders.

It won't make a wits difference by the time the drill program is completed, and results are widely known, what the past history of this company has been. It's been an amazing ride for any longs here, even if we don't feel the need to post in this forum on topics that have been discussed ad nauseam.

Short term price fluctuations are basically meaningless for me, as I don't day-trade. Long-term ROI in my book is everything at this point, and have been quite content to accumulate a larger position with confidence over the years. I welcome an extra 10% added to my position. I am quite content with my present ROI. Shareholders, even though disappointed that timelines aren't meeting expectations, are looking forward to pending announcements.
Invested in the Mountain ...
and That's What Counts!



03/22/12 9:09 PM

#45302 RE: Hurricane_Rick #45283


Your reply is appropriate. I sound more like Santorum, whining more than contributing to this board. For that I apologize. I do not make my investment decisions based on posts on boards. These boards generally worthless. There are a few commentators on this board who really have a grasp of MDMN and others who simply pump and make ill timed comments, and less than intelligent.

Surely, if I am going to consider staying long, I will ratchet up my investigation of this company.

I do appreciate your input. I do have a few disagreements, but none that will make an appreciable difference to anyone who is long or short this stock.

The entire premise for my frustration is the manner in which the management of MDMN has handled the dissemination of information on the previous JV and now doing the same with this transaction. If there is a transaction, then get on with it or stop the this week next week BS. That the contract would have been signed if JJ did not attend the SHM, on and on. You get the drift.

While I accepted their words at face value at the SHM and at other announcements, now I take all they say with a healthy dose of skepticism.

The questions I put forth are here for all to think about, not just for my edification.

Thanks for your courteous reply. We may disagree on the hows and the what fors of this company, but you are a gentleman. You do have my respect.