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03/22/12 12:25 PM

#12903 RE: commoncents2 #12902

What exactly is "REAL WORLD" approach? I'm not trying to argue semantics here, but think about how times have changed.

In years gone by "real world" business was done face to face with a handshake and a smile, then by telephone, and then the fax machine.

Today's "real world" business is done via teleconference, webcasts, video conference, email, text messaging, pod casts, video charts, sometimes from halfway around the world. Even today the fax machine is nearly obsolete.

Social media represents a very large portion of today's information (right or wrong), and you can bet sites like these are monitored. I doubt they have someone sitting at their pc all day every day just watching IHUB, and all the other similar sites, but you can bet your butt and both eyes, every company knows exactly what's being said through social media.


03/22/12 12:27 PM

#12904 RE: commoncents2 #12902

No, I don't waste my time on this board, but I do ask the questions that no one can answer based on facts only "opinion". I ask because I still hold way too much stock in this company and would like to get out without a big loss.

However, you seem to try and defend the indefensible. You make statements that you say are based on facts yet everything else this company has done over the last few years points to the contrary. It will be interesting when the 10K and 10Q are posted this quarter and Igor has to sign it saying these statements are true under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Makes "cents" to me.