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03/16/12 11:25 AM

#17134 RE: Leighcr #17125

I think that you are right on when it comes to Wetwinds. Isnt it interesting that Kaye buys a company that has the CEO of Twitter on its board of advisors. Wasnt Stephaine making a trip up to the Twitter Cooperate office? Is she heading up Student Connect. I think in the longterm Student Connect will provide a revenue stream for Twitter through direct to the consumer advertising that will be sponsored by cooperate america and local bussiness. Right now Twitter has not been able to maximize profits because they have nothing that connects people together of similar interest except short phrases. Studentconnect would have parents and kids profile and personal info and the bussiness could then target sponsored messages to parents in the age, gender, or educational level of the child inorder to get a specific group of people in the doors of their businesses. Its kinda like on facebook when you like something that info is sent to the company and they will begin sending you ads and coupons to your email that you have provided through Facebook. This would be similar except the fact that the local bussiness or cooperation is spending their money to help you keep your child safe from harm causes positive reinforcement, and will make that individual want to spend money at that bussiness so that she can continue to recieve those twittes free of charge. This could be a monster once this is in one school or district and it prevents one abduction or a school reports that the rates of school attendence is up due to student connect. Parents will be the biggest driver of this techonology. It just has to land in the first school and within three years it will be huge. Thats why I tell people that you have to be patient and look longterm. My advice is that for those that are impatient take 500 dollars buy this stock and walk away for the next 6 months then come back sometime in October. Then invest 500 more dollars in October and come back in a year. You will be a happy man or woman. Reverse Split or not if the price per share is going up and they reverse split and dont dilute you still have the same amount of money. Do the math. R/S dont hurt the investor its the continued dilution after the R/S that does. If he has to R/S to get us on a higher exchange and will no longer dilute shares to raise capital then I am all for it.