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08/12/05 1:27 AM

#6355 RE: newair #6353

Newair, thank you so much for your opinion. Seriously.
I am looking at this situation as being one that is compariable to each and every one of us here as shareholders being offered "the brass ring" (did you ever see the movie "sneakers" with robert reford??)
Every day this entire situation is setting into my conscienceness as a VERY unique "once in a lifetime" experience.
I currently own 2,130,000 shares and I keep buying at every opportunity with profits I am making off of other "sold" positions while I "swing" trade.
Greed is not what is driving me to buy more and more shares but it is simply the fact that I am collecting them so I can spread the wealth between my immediate family and myself. I am not a selfish person but I would also be stupid NOT to buy every share I can as cheaply as I can IF we could only get some difinative path and direction towards an ultimate conclusion or final outcome of what could or will happen here.

An analogy for me is I will never forget going to high school and we had this janitor who was basically on the level of a "simple" person. He did his job everyday, never complained, and never missed work. Then one day he was gone. Then about a month later here he was walking down the hallway of the school except this time he was in a suit, his hair was combed, and he looked like a different person. I was a senior at the time and I knew him well enough to talk frankly with him. I asked him something like what was up with the change in his appearance and where had he been?? His answer to me was something like this.

"About 20 years ago, my dad used to be the janitor of this school and one day his younger brother had convinced him to take a $1000. (which would have been a fortune in the 50's) and buy some shares of this little unknown company that was going to be worth a LOT of money in the future. He went on to say that recently his father had died suddenly and left to him an inheritence which he knew nothing about. While he was sitting with the executor of the estate, the exectutor told him that his dad had left him almost everything (you know house, property, etc) as well as this stack of "stock" certificates.

When "tony" (that was the guy's name) looked at the stock certificates even he did not know what they were worth but the attorney/executor assured him that they were VERY "real" and the "stack of certificates were currently worth about 2 1/2 million dollars. The company name printed on each stock certificate in the amount of 100 shares each was International Business Machine, otherwise known as IBM.

Good luck to us all, Steve

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08/12/05 2:29 AM

#6357 RE: newair #6353

I have to agree...

At first I thought they could settle with SH for an agreed amount per share -- like a tender offer. We effectively sell those shares to the company, who then cancels them and reissues new shares, similar to an IPO.

But plain and simple it's the crooks' fault -- this is a grownup's game and if you f*ck around you gotta face the consequences.

Martha Stewart/Enron/Worldcom all tried to rig the game and lost -- same goes for anyone associated with this situation.

Sorry boys. Pay up.
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08/12/05 2:33 AM

#6359 RE: newair #6353

"Bottom line, the mm's and our brokers have a feduciary responsibility to sell us a 'real' product."

I think that's the best answer yet.