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greg s

02/03/03 5:50 PM

#11989 RE: Infinite-Wisdom #11988

re: I will just go to Ihub and have you investigated for freedom of speech limitations

Oh, man, I just about split my gut laughing. I don't know who you are, but thanks for the laugh!



02/03/03 5:51 PM

#11990 RE: Infinite-Wisdom #11988

Infinite wisdom.....Now there's a name thats contradictory! I think you've taken the right tact here. Matt will surely fold if you call IHUB to complain! Good luck and don't let him push you around!


Phil(Hot Rod Chevy)

02/03/03 6:10 PM

#11992 RE: Infinite-Wisdom #11988


I have no idea why i was suspended from the lonely board and neither do you...other than being more intelligent than most of them combined

Only in your own mind.

..but I have contacted Ihub personally and they have no reason why I was suspended either

You did get the name of the person you talked to, right?


You idiot.

Matt and Bob are Ihub.

So call them and complain.

Who did you say you talked to?

Have fun,


02/03/03 6:19 PM

#11994 RE: Infinite-Wisdom #11988

I-W, I think you and Jim Lur and Matt Brown should take your dispute to the arbitrators at Ihub. I am sure that the claims and investigations department has at least 3 or 4 investigators ready to take a look at this particular incident and put it on this weeks docket of cases being investigated. Make sure to record you file number and case number so that they can't screw you around and lose your paperwork, and also demand that they apppoint you your own personal ihub counsellor. If you cannot afford one, one must be provided to you at their expense I believe.

Best of luck


02/03/03 6:33 PM

#11998 RE: Infinite-Wisdom #11988

Infinite-Stewpidity...I think you're onto something. I would report this Matt turkey to IHUB if I were you for violations of freedom of speech. The nerve of some jerk to JAIL you when you don't freakin know how to use the reply publicy button. Tell IHUB all about this Matt jerk...they haven't heard about him before. Actually I have his Soc Sec# so PM me so we can investigate exactly who he is; it's possible he is a shitski. OR, he probably lives in Paducah & has a sheep for a girlfriend & just gets his jollies yanking the chains of normal good guys like you. Anywho...let's get to the bottom of this MATT dude. BTW, do you like KKD donuts with you're coffee?

I don't worry about avoiding temptation; as I grow older, it successfully avoids me.


02/03/03 7:03 PM

#12011 RE: Infinite-Wisdom #11988

Infinite-Wisdom, you should know that iHub administration has, in the past, suspended Matt and placed him in The Jailhouse, and during his incarceration his Admin. duties were passed to another of the iHub regulars. I don't know why you object to Matt spending so much time on iHub given that he basically works for free -- well, somebody gets him doughnuts. I've run into the dude occasionally too, but basically I stay away from his thread -- my version of ignore.

If you need a mentor in the Jailhouse, don't let your pride keep you from asking.



02/03/03 10:48 PM

#12029 RE: Infinite-Wisdom #11988

>>I will just go to Ihub and have you investigated for freedom of speech limitations for I did nothing wrong at all....I can either be lifted and able to post by tomorrow..or you and I and that jimlur clown can take this problem to ihub....your choice<<

I've extended the reach of my powers as a employee here. Anything of this nature and importance, you'll need to take up with my superiors or our in-house legal department. I don't have the extension number for that department, so you'll have to call HQ and get operator assistance.