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03/13/12 11:25 PM

#78484 RE: Atown62 #78483

Pick your poison. Release news pre split and have a potentially higher post split pps to uphold, or release post split and hope to appreciate or maintain the pps. Does it really matter? Do you see an advantage one way or the other? I say release news when there is news regardless. Don't sit on it and don't make stuff up. Now, let's see if that happens. I can for now only assume no news means exactly that, good bad or indifferent.


03/14/12 8:47 AM

#78490 RE: Atown62 #78483

If a good PR was dropped now, do you think TYTN would move off of 0.0002?

Doubt it.

I am am guessing, no matter what, this stock stays right here until R/S. Then it will get very interesting. Without a good PR at that time, I hate to think ...