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03/13/12 1:03 PM

#77172 RE: smartone #77169

my view is in a free market capitalist country no one should have monopoly. being said that if its true free market then one corporation will never be a monopoly as the competitors will prop up immediately.
right now US govt is the monopoly in lot of businesses like.
Govt in mortgage business. this has screwed up entire real estate.
govt in public school. private schools cannot compete at all.
govt should not be involved in any business and offer the individuals who do not want to use that stupid social security.any ways we get that around 70 yrs.very few people who live that long will use that pennies.all that money is benefiting corrupt people now.

corporates are not people.they are businesses.they should not have income taxes.people aka employees should have taxes.why all are moving to china,india, low cost countries.they do not tax corporates.they tax people.imagine if corporates do not have taxes they would definitely distribute among shareholders or employees for retaining good employees.these employees will pay taxes in turn.
because of this in US now the tax system is so complex.any ways 70% of the corporates do not pay any taxes and hoarding all the cash outside the country and investing in other countries rather than in US.

sorry. my view is govt departments cannot do any thing right.too much BS and too much politics involved even if the individuals in the govt wants to do any thing.
also, US is already a socialistic country.people can deny what they want but this country is already socialist. govt in mortgage,schooling,social security,medicare,medicaid,regulations for every BS,license,permit,insured to do any business.sue free country and no person offers any true advice any more as they are always afraid of being sued...
for a small business to make profit it is very difficult these days with all the regulations and legal mumbo jumbo involved.
Just my 2 cents...