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03/09/12 10:08 PM

#58692 RE: BonelessCat #58684's very good. Time to see it again.


03/11/12 8:35 AM

#58707 RE: BonelessCat #58684

I sort of agree. I say that because I simply cannot stand the emotions that is brings to me. It tears me up. My wife and I have no family, we are basically alone in this world. But so deeply in love it hurts. I cry through that entire movie thinking she is no longer there to share the adventure. I simply can not watch it. I am in emmense tears just starting to write this.

My wife can not stand the thought of living alone without me. She absolutely wants to die before me. I cant stand the thought of her being alone, especially older where eventually someone will mistreat her. I want her to die before me at a very old age, but I can not stand the thought of that either. I seriously have to watch out, just thinking of this could kill me.

Life can be so wonderful. It is a shame almost that we are so self aware. Life is way way way too short, even if you make it in good shape to a 100.

We saw a comedian once that said in a comedic delivery, that "you get born, you have a nice childhood, you find a woman you love, each year your love grow a 100 times stronger, you live to an old age together where your love for each other is more that the universe can bear, then you get to watch her DIE! And that is the best you can hope for!"

The notebook tears me up to. But UP, oh my god. I can not stand the thought of it. Even though I absolutely love the dog and the the dogs distraction by squirrels.

I feel blessed with the life I have had, especially with the love of my life I have found and now been married for 32years with. It is an ironic life though, the more you love, the more it hurts. No matter how well I try to rationalize it.

God bless to all. I hope each and every one of you have the chance to love someone as much as I do. In doing so, I hope it does not kill you.

With that, and my uncontrollable sobbing I am going through at the moment, and the pile of tissues I have on the floor. Go NNVC, so we can all maybe have a chance to live just a little longer. I am not super religous. I have a basic philosophical belief that god achieves consciousness through the consciousness of living creatures. It is so important to be alive, be happy and help those around you to do the same.