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Black Beerd

03/09/12 3:22 PM

#183651 RE: lbdave #183649

"The majority of the companies that accept this toxic financing you refer too are generally scams to begin with"

Well, if you research the criteria you will find that WNBD fits a lot of the criteria. The rate of dilution, the chill are two of the many components WNBD fits in nicely with. But..being that Eric has diluted so much he has no present collateral to have any financing appeal. I can pull up a lot of DD on this if you like ?. But it appears unless he does a R/S not even toxic funding would be available. Shall I post some DD for you ? Its very easy to find.
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03/09/12 3:39 PM

#183653 RE: lbdave #183649

lol wnbd is a typical pos-land stock in every sense of the word dave! In fact eric has made a living over the past several years issuing close to 4 BILLION discounted shares via his use of 504's and CD's and drawn a 6 figure salary to boot while spending oodles of time dangling big fat carrots like being short-listed for 3 national accounts in the usa and everyone being in the office on a saturday night ready to hit the ground running blah blah blah!

And just because eric says he's different than his peers doesn't make it fact he's the exact same as the over-whelming majority of pos-land ceo's because he's trying to grow a dream on the backs of shareholders who've been buying up the close to 4 BILLION discounted shares he's issued to the funders over the past 6 years.

The only 2 real differences between eric and other pos-land CEO's is he promotes the company himself via hundreds of emails, board moderator memo's and blogs whereas other pos-land CEO's hire promoters...and eric has an actual product selling in stores and just promotes the dream of eventual global market saturation...whereas the majority of pos-land CEO's don't even have a product in stores they just pitch dreams of eventually landing meaningful product saturation.

And regardless of anything I posted above the fact remains that with close to a 4 BILLION share float, a share price in low triple zeros, no dollar volume/sustained liquidity and only 1 Billion treasury shares to reach the 5B authorized amount...measured against his operating results of the past 6 years there's only a handful of options for any legitimate funders to consider which have already been laid out here ad nauseum since eric 1st began blogging about seeking friendly funding at the begining of august last year.

And if you think funders just give away money because a company is trying to grow a biz and don't give a rats behind about the poor performance to date over the past 6 years or the fact that down in the triple zeros with no dollar volume and no room left within the current capital structure to give them enough shares in collateral to fund him the $2M he blogged about once need to educate yourself on how funding works in pos-land. Because funders could give a rats behind how hard a group of shareholders think a CEO is working...funders only care about a return on their investment and the risk in obtaining that ROI.

Why do you think it is eric hasn't given a single relevant detail on what kind of funding he's seeking in 90 days? What kind of funding instrument is he preparing that's supposedly gonna take him 90 days to complete? Who are these supposed friendly financiers he's found? How much money are they loaning the company and for what collateral? What happened to all his blogs on the new funding subject he himself started last summer about filing an S-1 or a Form 10, or seeking an uplisting, or a private placement, or a preferred share mechanism blah blah blah?

Funny how just because eric blogs something so many believers automatically deduce that that must mean it's a good thing especially in the absence of ANY relevant details provided! Like todays 1 liner mention of the funding he's working on...sure doesn't sound to me like he's got any guaranteed financing coming within 90 days by the sound of this>>>

We are preparing due diligence materials for the financing initiative discussed in recent posts. Part of the due diligence process is to detail the use of proceeds in cash-flow and budget planning documents. As progress is made in identifying the source of financing, so too the associated materials can become more detailed and based on increasingly relevant assumptions. We have much work to do, but at least we can now work with increasingly practical assumptions