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04/08/01 2:00 PM

#601 RE: Investorman #600

OT: all you needed to do is give China's leadership a way to save face in the form of an "apology" of sorts. It isn't hard to find something to "apologize" for, and it is a mark of diplomacy. How about, right away, saying something like:
"We are so sorry that this happened, and we will be doing a throrough analysis to seek the causes and thus avoid anything like this tragedy occuring in the future" Meanwhile we would like to offer aid and comfort to the family of the lost pilot. We would like to co-operate with you fully on this matter."
What is the big deal of a communication like this? We already lost a great opportunity. I can't believe that we are in for four more years of this sort of diplomacy.


04/08/01 2:55 PM

#603 RE: Investorman #600

(OT) Investorman, what I was saying is, we violated their airspace by landing there. This could be used as
as a fig leaf for an apology. I am not saying, we were not within our right to fly up and down their coast.
But lets face it, history has shown, that we don't take very kindly to threatening postures along our coast.
I do not believe that our navy and airplanes in the South China Sea are perceived as friendly.
Anyhow, in my humble opinion, whatever the outcome, it is going to set us ( HRCT) back for years. Actually,
the damage can't be repaired. Is it our fault? Depends on if you want to be right or a skilfull politician. As Bush would say, the two sometimes never go together ( quote).