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TJ Parker

02/01/03 1:24 PM

#70862 RE: Zeev Hed #70808

> the FTC is "sold" to MU

oh, come on. there's an issue here and its unresolved. it was there in the dell case (which led rambus to withdraw from jeded) and it is there in kingston vs sun and its there in the world vs rambus.

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02/01/03 2:35 PM

#70873 RE: Zeev Hed #70808

I have read a number of links that connect former FTC officials to MU, being hired as lawyers, all the usual large corporate influence buying. I think it's a leap to say they are "sold" to MU, but at least in part I've made the leap.

The following is part of what I copied and included in a letter to my congressman on the subject. Clearly I am "over invested" in this :), never-the-less there are a few links included for those who want to look into this more.


>Micron has hired ex-FTC lawyers to assist them in their litigation efforts against Rambus. In particular, William Baer (ex-Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition for five years) and Micron's lead counsel Richard Rosen (ex-Assistant Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition). Both of these lawyers currently work for the law firm of Arnold & Porter who actively promote the fact they have "deep ties" into governmental agencies . "Our lawyers have held significant senior government positions including Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC); Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition; Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Antitrust Division, Department of Justice (DOJ); General Counsel of the FTC; and Chief of the Communications and Finance Section of the Antitrust Division". "We try cases and we succeed. We have broad experience in "bet the company" private class action and multi-district treble damages litigation and federal and state civil and criminal cases."

Further evidence of the close working relationship between the FTC Complaint Counsel and the ex-FTC Micron lawyers can be easily seen by reviewing the briefs which are being filed with the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). The following submission shows where the current Deputy Director of the FTC, Sean Royall, decides to copy Richard Rosen (Micron's legal counsel) on correspondence taking place between Rambus's legal team and Complaint Counsel (page 7; . One motive for adding Richard Rosen on the copy list is obvious. It allows Micron to add Mr Royall's comments into their opposition brief against Rambus's motion to compel Micron into producing pricing data. It should be no surprise that Micron seized the opportunity and included portions of Mr Royall's comments in their opposition brief (page 9; .


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02/01/03 3:14 PM

#70882 RE: Zeev Hed #70808

"What do you think of my hypothesis that the FTC is "sold" to MU? They have always sided with MU and slapped foreign dram makers time after time...."


Are you trying to imply that the FTC, an agency of the US government, is less than altruistic or even biased in the execution of its mandate??? Perish the thought.

Next you will be telling me that the PPT is real and has been manipulating the markets <gg>.


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02/02/03 6:11 AM

#71008 RE: Zeev Hed #70808