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03/03/12 10:04 PM

#5155 RE: S3lfMade #5154

I'm a very small player here but I'll place my 2 cent bet on SE's analysis.

Granted, the shares sold through VERT are a mystery and it would be nice to know what is going on there.

Having said that, I believe Eagle is right with his opinion that the new A/S shares will not be retailed out at a penny or less to raise cash now, but rather will be part of one or more JV deals, with the recipients of those shares holding on to them for sale to the market at much, much higher prices...once the oil is flowing in significant amounts.

As much as the lack of corporate communication may annoy some, including myself, this deal is not about Dan Lloyd catering to a bunch of IHUBBERs, it's about cutting profitable deals to get a whole lot of oil out of the ground and we are on the sidelines with regard to that. Is this real or not? I think it is, but I'm not betting the entire farm on that opinion.
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03/04/12 10:29 AM

#5157 RE: S3lfMade #5154

One month ago...

I would probably say I dont agree but enough is enough IMHO. The technicals are on the verge of breaking down, other companies are drilling and taking advantage of the current momentum in the region, and our CEO sits on his hands and is more involved in baseball and being on the board of other companies.

I dont get it....

We deserve more and I will NOT continue to sugar coat this one bit more.....

I seen where a poster said that Dan needs to focus on the company and not IHUB investors.. EXCUSE ME..... We are the very investors that are either supporting recent dilution as of the increase a/s date and also buying shares from an insider (family member(s)?) that are wanting out of the company. Thats says a whole lot in itself. Dont give me that garbage about Dan needs to focus on the compay. I thought the shareholders were a part of the company. I know our hard earned cash is.

If they have the leases then they need to PR it and a plan of action for development and timelines. I have been here 10 months and nothing but promises and nothing...

I dont get it. You want us to be patient. Patient for what, atleast let us know the company exists. Oh sorry, we know it exists by the increase in a/s to 600 million last week...

That wasn't what I had in mind. Heck even that would be understandable if we new SOMETHING else was going on....

Scams come in all shapes and forms. All we want is something and YES EVEN THOUGH WE ARE JUST IHUB INVESTORS WE DESERVE IT, its our money that is keeping the PPS up for you to do whatever it is your doing....

Great day to all!!!! Sorry just venting a bit...

I can be SIOR's biggest supporter but I am a realist too!!!!