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03/03/12 1:39 PM

#85708 RE: playingthegame #85694

Who is grantwellington
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09/04/12 9:49 AM

#92551 RE: playingthegame #85694

((((((((((((((TO ALL PLEASE READ))))))))))))))))

By: grantwellington
03 Mar 2012, 08:18 AM CST

PYCT Is the most credible pink sheet in the triple zero range, as we graduate into the pennies we will also be the most credible company in the pink sheets IMO.
Flushaway was spun into this heavily shorted(PROVEN PER DTC) shell, not once has the company sold any shares into the open market....UN HEARD OF!!!!
Not once has the company "pumped" the stock, in fact they seem as if they could care less if we buy or sell their stock, these people are focused ONLY on building and growing a business to generate revenue, retail market exposure, and going global with sales.
The Shakerz promotion was a trap to test the market makers and they PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS!!!!! The owners wanted to test the headwinds and got their wishes!!

PYCT spent 25 grand to settle lawsuit from the shorts(Carter care was a one man front)
PYCT spent 10 grand cash for promo last year
PYCT spent 30 grand cash buying back and retiring 300,000,000 shares
Thats $60,000 in cash they tossed out the window with no real gain to them(aside from closing the lawsuit)
PYCT has cash to burn, that's a proven fact, show me any other sub penny that's done this??

One important point I wish to highlight is regarding Xinpro manufacturing facility in China.
Assuming Xinpro is a sub contractor as PYCT states, then XINPRO paid to have a tailored machine designed by American engineers, built a factory dedicated to Flushaway products, installed the machine tested it, tweaked it, thinned out the film for higher profit margins, and has been up and running at 100% capacity for 4 months minus the holidays.Prior news indicated this was the first in a series of machines to be built.(subtle words overlooked by many)
My point is how much money has Xinpro laid out in all of the above, and cost of materials, local taxes, fees, licenses trucking, insurance etc.???
Xinpro has got to have many millions invested already given the machine was commissioned in 2010, factory built about one year ago and operational since then.

What did Paychest show the people that own Xinpro that enticed them to lay out millions of dollars for over a year with ZERO payday ??
It seems logical Paychest already had at least one HUGE contract, purchase order/agreement with some heavy hitter and proved that to Xinpro.
Xinpro most likely said OK, but we get the rights to manufacture all Flushaway/Mibella products and all future products that spring from the patents.

So to summarize, Paychest has never taken a payday, they have bought back shares, enticed a separate company to invest millions of dollars and 1.5 years time this far without any income.This alone IMO tells me we are sitting on a goldmine!!

Most have doubts any of the above exits, so I submit to your readers that once they simply prove to the market place all this is true, the pps will gap and run to .0025/ .005 range IMO, that could be done without sales!!

I know its been frustrating to all that have stayed the course, but re read this post and think about all of this in the proper context...this is real and its all going to come out at once.

We have not even addressed the dividend, as I do not know what it is, but have a glimpse at the scope and value of it and I feel NO ONE has given much thought to this, soon we will all have 2 companies we own, one for FREE by just holding onto our shares, shares which will trade above .05 IMO.

4 months of producing finished product makes for a lot of pads and liners, clearly they are for standing orders and the company has carefully crafted each word in the PRs to play the market makers like a billion dollar violin!!

Warmest regards

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09/25/12 9:32 PM

#93201 RE: playingthegame #85694

LOL..that was one of the funniest and silliest / weak attempts to beg/pump this scam.... Even the other dumpers had a good laugh at the 5th grade level construct of the attempt. I'm glad I was able to flip this junk three times (taking a small piece out of their cake each time)... us flippers knew the real play here all along... let the scammers to all the hyping/work and Dump reporting.....
This play was too all it takes is getting shares at .00005 and selling at .0001 like the scammers.

I love the clowns and buffoons shilling for this scam.... simply amusing to me they are.
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10/29/12 4:30 PM

#93815 RE: playingthegame #85694


Other than the comments previously made in the linked I-HUB post #93087 below (which addresses most of the referenced poster talking points), I'll add the following into the mix.

Quote: "Not once has the company "pumped" the stock, in fact they seem as if they could care less if we buy or sell their stock, these people are focused ONLY on building and growing a business to generate revenue, retail market exposure, and going global with sales."

Comment: Paychest has obviously tried to "promote", or "pump" if you prefer, the stock with issuing dozens of PRs (most having little which could be independently verified or have come to pass as being true) and with paying promotions sites such as moverzandshakerz who e-mail bomb thousands of penny investors. If that isn't promoting to try and acquire more interest in buying PYCT shares, then I don't know what is.

Quote: "The Shakerz promotion was a trap to test the market makers and they PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS!!!!! The owners wanted to test the headwinds and got their wishes!!"

Comment: If the company's true reason for spending the $10K was just to try and further trap an alleged naked shorter, then I'd have to say they breached their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. They should be spending their limited time and funding on producing and marketing products to INCREASE SHAREHOLDER VALUE, and NOT on looking for more ghosts.

Quote: "Flushaway products, installed the machine tested it, tweaked it, thinned out the film for higher profit margins, and has been up and running at 100% capacity for 4 months minus the holidays. Prior news indicated this was the first in a series of machines to be built.(subtle words overlooked by many)"

Comment: The first in a series of FILM machines which would be required to meet any type of appreciable production run rate. Nowhere can I find any company published documentation that Xinpro will have or is intended to have other types of machines necessary to produce the pad and liner end products. If someone can state this as not the case then please provide a source or link.

Quote: "What did Paychest show the people that own Xinpro that enticed them to lay out millions of dollars for over a year with ZERO payday ?? It seems logical Paychest already had at least one HUGE contract, purchase order/agreement with some heavy hitter and proved that to Xinpro. Xinpro most likely said OK, but we get the rights to manufacture all Flushaway/Mibella products and all future products that spring from the patents."

Comment: The assertion of some HUGE contract being used to motivate Xinpro is unfounded and NOT logical. It's much more logical to assume that Paychest promised Xinpro a significant portion of the revenue stream as Xinpro is taking all the risk and spending all the money to get the factory up and running, labor, utilities, etc. (and even more of the money if it's assumed Xinpro is producing the end products and doing the packaging). Also important, is if Paychest already had a HUGE contract when this post was made, then why aren't they sharing the good news with the shareholders and investing public to help support the share price? It makes little sense.